I will not go to the kitchen and eat everything.

AlixClockHeart Posts: 30 Member
If I were to go and have a snack right now, I'd eat out of control. It'd probably be between 200 and 400 calories, but allotment today is 300. It isn't exactly binging, more out of control eating which is what I want to stop doing this month. So, instead of eating, I'm posting this.


  • Me too when i go to the kitchin for a glass of water or a low calorie snack, i end up comming out with cake and fattey foods my mum has bourght :( GRRRRR SOOO HARD 2 STOP!!! XXXX
  • JennyStar999
    JennyStar999 Posts: 2 Member
    Eating makes me hungry. Whether I start munching on something just for something to do, or even have a meal, it just makes me want more and it's really hard to stop, and being full doesn't stop me. I like the short-term goal idea. I can not do this for at least a month!
  • just being downstairs is tempting, when i'm upstairs i'm fine. As soon as i walk (well run, all the extra calories count) down those stairs all i can think about if what is in the cupboards and then i'll eat when i'm not even hungry and then just continue to o so till i can't anymore
  • just being downstairs is tempting, when i'm upstairs i'm fine. As soon as i walk (well run, all the extra calories count) down those stairs all i can think about if what is in the cupboards and then i'll eat when i'm not even hungry and then just continue to o so till i can't anymore

    ^my exact problem.
    And sometimes when I'm at the beginning of my binge I'll try and stop myself and go back upstairs.. but it's too late and I have to go back down again D:
  • JennyStar999
    JennyStar999 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here, even if I'm not hungry I always find myself looking through the kitchen for something to eat. I'll notice it and leave the kitchen, but without even thinking about it I end up in there again. It's really something that I do out of pleasure instead of necessity, so I often eat when I'm not hungry. I had a brownie, cheese and crackers, and a huge bowl of cereal last nigh when I wasn't hungry to begin with, just because I kept going back into the kitchen. I only stopped when I was uncomfortably full. This wasn't even what I would consider a "binge" for me, but I think I technically slipped right? It felt like I did..already. :( Am I out of the group?