FINALLY..It's Moving

FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
FINALLY! day 6 on EM2WL (bumped cal to 1800) and after gaining 4 lbs immediately, the sclae is moving down..whoop whoop!!


  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    Awesome, glad to hear it! I still haven't stepped on the scale. I decided to stay off for the whole month of June. But I will measure the end of next week. On day 7 right now...keeping my fingers crossed!!
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Nice to hear! This is my first day at metabolism reset.
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
    Awesome, glad to hear it! I still haven't stepped on the scale. I decided to stay off for the whole month of June. But I will measure the end of next week. On day 7 right now...keeping my fingers crossed!!

    I was planning on waiting 2 weeks to weigh in, but it was driving me I was actually shocked to see the scale move, especially since TOM is comin to town in a couple of days and I usually gain 5lbs. I am really really fascinated in how my body is reacting to more food! I lost 60lbs doin low carb, and thought that was the ONLY way to lose the last 15lbs while toning up. But now I know, I am so thankful to have found this group and this new way of life.

    I will be keeping my fingers crossed for u as well, GOOD LUCK! :smile:
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
    Nice to hear! This is my first day at metabolism reset.

    I have read about the "reset" and planning on doing it when I stall..Good luck to you!!!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    wow, that's great!
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    yayyy!! i gained 5 in the first 2 weeks of my reset. now 2 have come back off and i'm holding steady. hoping that it stays steady for 2 more weeks when i plan on dropping to 15% cut.

    yay for youu!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    That's great!:smile:
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 129 Member
    well done
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
    yayyy!! i gained 5 in the first 2 weeks of my reset. now 2 have come back off and i'm holding steady. hoping that it stays steady for 2 more weeks when i plan on dropping to 15% cut.

    yay for youu!!!

    Good Luck Girlie! I was scared to do the full reset, but after 2 weeks of getting use to the "Eating More" concept I think I will.
  • Yayyy!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Way to go!
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    awesome:) so happy for you. your welcome to friend me. the more eat more to weigh less friends the better
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    Are you just eating at your CUT number or doing a Reset eating at TDEE?

    Great Job by the way!
  • kchris41
    kchris41 Posts: 38 Member
    Yay!!!! Congrats!
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member
    Great to hear!! yourock.gif