Really frustrated... >_<

I've been sticking really closely to the 1200 calories/day that the app has been recommending. I don't eat processed foods, I exercise several times a week...and I've only lost 3 lbs (which I think is probably inaccurate since I started while on my most of that was likely water retention).

When I finish logging for the day, I get a message "if you ate like this for a week you'd weigh 143 /144/142"...always in that range... and here I am 1 month later, and I'm sitting at 151lb...

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, and I'm getting so frustrated I don't know what to do!

Any help would be very much appreciated. :(


  • shellbee823
    shellbee823 Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe you are not eating enough? 1200 calories is very low especially if you are working out.
  • MzLee1220
    MzLee1220 Posts: 8
    Try drinking a gallon of water a day to flush out any water retention. If your losing 3 pounds a week that is really good. Losing weight is a slow process. You don't want to lose weight fast and then gain it back fast.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    Try going onto this site will give you a more accurate amount of calories you should be eating in order to loose weight. I found for some reason this site always sets you at 1200 when you really need more. I hope this helps.
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    You need to up your calories..If your working out u need to be eating at least 1500 calories
  • AstridParties
    AstridParties Posts: 85 Member
    I found that eating really clean and exercising makes me retain the weight...when I have a cheat day every once in a while or go over my calories for a day, then I see the weight start to come off....I drink lots of water too.
  • dferby
    dferby Posts: 16 Member
    I've been sticking really closely to the 1200 calories/day that the app has been recommending. I don't eat processed foods, I exercise several times a week...and I've only lost 3 lbs (which I think is probably inaccurate since I started while on my most of that was likely water retention).

    When I finish logging for the day, I get a message "if you ate like this for a week you'd weigh 143 /144/142"...always in that range... and here I am 1 month later, and I'm sitting at 151lb...

    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, and I'm getting so frustrated I don't know what to do!

    Any help would be very much appreciated. :(

    You problem can be coming from one or two things. One being the production of stress hormones. Women especially have to be careful with this one, because for most of us, this is why we gained the weight in the first place. Try mediation, prayer, and/or yoga to balance out your stress. The second problem could be the amount of water you are drinking. Women who still get a period and who are on birth control pills will retain water, to ensure that you get rid of the water you have to drink water. It is recommended that you drink half of your body weight in ounces, so for you, you should be drinking around 75 oz of water daily and if you are working out, then you should be drinking close to a gallon of water a day. Technically you are losing at a healthy rate (about a pound a week) so don't get discourage. Although it may seem like you gained the weight over night, you didn't, it happen over time, so you can't expect to lose the weight over night. You can do this, you have people here who have your back!!!!!!
  • sinsangel72
    sinsangel72 Posts: 11 Member
    Well this brings up a question that I have, mine of course gives me a range of about 1200 calories. If I don't take in the amount of calories alotted am I hurting myself as far as losing weight. I am still walking at least 45 minutes a day, and still drinking my protein shakes. Sometimes I reach my amount of carbs and proteins alotted and sometimes I come up short or go over a little.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    you should definitely up your calories and water intake. I noticed the week I ate the most and while i was working out like crazy, i lost 5lbs that week. which I thought was crazy . But was true. Since then I've only lost about 1lb a week :-(. But now I know what to do. So I may have to up my calories on my own. MFP has me at 1390. I think upping your cals will be really beneficial to you. Good luck !
  • Thanks for all the advice!
  • Thanks ladies!

    I'll make sure to drink more water, and I'll be upping my calories as well...also going to make more effort to go lift weights, I'm one of those ppl that starts building muscle quickly so I might as well take advantage of it! :)
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    You need to up your calories..If your working out u need to be eating at least 1500 calories

    I totally agree you need to up your calories and make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    Well this brings up a question that I have, mine of course gives me a range of about 1200 calories. If I don't take in the amount of calories alotted am I hurting myself as far as losing weight. I am still walking at least 45 minutes a day, and still drinking my protein shakes. Sometimes I reach my amount of carbs and proteins alotted and sometimes I come up short or go over a little.

    1200 is definely too low. I suggest going online to a few different sites and see what they suggest what calories you should eat to loose than take the in between number. That is what I did to get me at 1500 and that is working great for me. Also make sure to drink plenty of water and watch your sodium intake.
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Sounds like you might be eating too little try adding in a bit more complex carbs earlier in the day like steel cut oats, quinoa, yams, beans, sweet potatoes or brown rice. Drink more water and try doing a tablespoon of Bragg's Organic Apple Cider vinegar,1/4 cup of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey mixed into 8-10oz of water first thing in the morning to help flush out salt and extra water as well as give you an energy boost before you train!