Wk 1 Check-in: 6/7

LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
Initial Weigh-in: 307.6

I am up 2 lbs from a week ago - remaining retention from TOM. But I'm owning it and moveing forward and know it will drop off in time for loss next week.

Hoping everyone has a great week!



  • Great - here we go!

    Initial weigh in:

    7 Jun: 169.5 -0.5lb :smile:

    Half a pound down from last week which is fine. Been doing this 5 wks now and although the losses are small, they're steady and not bouncing back up like all my usual all or nothing attempts at weight loss.

    This week, I'll be aiming to get my 10k steps in on my fitbit and mixing it up with some other Wii activities. Food wise, the Jubillee festivities have meant some patchy eating days but am now back on track. I am throwing a dinner on Saturday which is an Indo-Italian feast but plan on enjoying it, keeping good habits and carrying on.

    Great attitude Sharon about TOM - just look forward to that scale dropping down next week!
  • Jeyed
    Jeyed Posts: 87 Member
    Starting weight: 167

    *Down 4 1/2 lbs from last Thursday. I had to weigh myself 3 times because I wasn't sure of what I was seeing. This is as per the scale at work - I work at a healthcare facility.
    My interval treadmill routine is really starting to pay off. Yippee!!
  • Starting weight: 167

    *Down 4 1/2 lbs from last Thursday.

    Blimey :noway: - you're on fire! Very well done you!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Starting weight- 186.1 :)
    Down 1.5 from last week...happy dance...

    Thanks for having me in the group :)
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Start Weight: 164.6 lbs.

    This week I am amping up my workouts, adding in more intervals & trying different workout Dvd's at home.
  • Djkaya29
    Djkaya29 Posts: 21 Member
    Ladies I am in Las Vegas this week babysitting, so I won't be posting my weight this week. Once I am back home I will be faithfully posting each week...just wanted to let you know I am still in and not dogging the group.
  • FortyBelow
    FortyBelow Posts: 4 Member
    Initial weigh-in: 216 lbs

    And so we begin!
  • tammyymmat
    tammyymmat Posts: 24 Member
    okay here goes: initial weigh in 180.6 thank you group leader for starting up this group. got a bit lazy and need a good push start! summer is almost here, well not really because i live in washington state, but am ready to put on the sunless tanning lotion. (:
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Initial Weight = 219.7 lbs

    Hi all; here we go my friends. I'm visiting my daughter and her family in Ottawa. I'm loving the time with my granddaughter, she's just plainly perfect. Today is my daughter's graduation ceremony. We're so proud.
  • LovinLifeChik
    LovinLifeChik Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks to all for completing your first weigh-in...and to those who add their posts in the next couple of days! We really hope you remain active with us throughout the challenge - whether you have ups or downs on the scale! Don't let a bad week or two derail you from a goal!! And ever if you don't hit 25 for the challenge - any improvement in your health, measurements, exercise or eating habits... and yes the scale...is better than where you are today!

    Have a great week!
  • And away we go!

    Thanks for starting this group - I need a good, simple challenge to keep me accountable.

    Initial weigh-in = 239lbs which is 4 pounds up from 2 weeks ago when I weighed last. I REALLY need to get moving again!

    Looking forward to the journey with you all!

  • I weighed myself on Thursday, but didn't have time to post.

    I'm starting out this challenge at 165 lbs.

    Having a very difficult time keeping up exercise and eating right. It is the end of the school year crazies, and I'm super busy. Plus, there are always year-end pizza parties, ice cream parties, etc. in our elementary school. I'm getting back into the habit of dropping exercise time if I get too busy. TWO more weeks of school...yippeeeee!
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Not sure if there will be a new thread for this week but I'll put this over there if it happens ... for now I'll post it here :smile:

    Initial Weight 6/07: 219.7 lbs
    Week 1 6/14: 216.7 lbs (-3)
    Week 2 6/21:
    Week 3 6/28:
    Week 4 7/5:
    Week 5 7/12:
    Week 6 7/19:
    Week 7 7/26:
    Week 8 8/2:
    Week 9 8/9:
    Week 10 8/16:
    Week 11 8/23:
    Week 12 8/30:
    Week 13 9/6:
    Week 14 9/13:
    Week 15 9/20:
    Week 15 9/27:
    Final Weight: 10/4: