Bad food alternatives or substitutions

I quit smoking after 21 years in the military and I gained 15 pounds in just 3 months. I went into depression mode and then finally pulled myself up by my shoe strings and started the Cabbage Soup diet and lost 8 pounds in 7 days. That jump started by weight loss and I'm full blown steaming ahead. Since then I have been exercising like crazy. I bought a bike and ride everywhere with my homeschooled 13 year old. I ,measure everything and stick to the serving sizes even thpough they can be deceptive. I also stay under my 1200 calorie count.

I am always on the lookout for any good food substitutions for oh so good food like:
- spagetti (sub with spagetti squash - cut 150 or more calories - and a vine ripen tomato diced and cooked with onion and green pepper)
- peanut butter (sub with PB2 - a dry peanut butter that you add water to - and cut 160 calories!)
- rice (sub with grated califlower and cut 150 calories)
- ice cream (sub with black cherry frozen non-fat yogurt with sugar free Hershey's syrup and you'll think you're eating a chocolate covered cherry! And it's only 105 calories if you stick to the serving size.) Oh an Herbal Essance moment!

Anybody have any more they'd like to share?


  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    The spaghetti squash and cauliflower are in regular rotation in my house but a current favorite is Shirataki Noodles. It is made from tofu and comes in fettuccine, spaghetti and angel hair sizes. An 8 oz packages has two servings. Each serving is 20 calories, .5g fat, 3g carbs & 2g fiber. Be warned when you first open the package it has a strong odor but rinsing and microwaving it quickly eliminates it. I also cruise the grocery aisles for strong pates or salsas that I then add to my greek yogurt or cottage cheese. I abhor bland food.
  • skatergirl69
    tacos, i sub ground turkey (use the taco seasoning mix) over a bed of lettuce with salsa and light cheese. It's really good and I do not miss the taco shells.

    hope this helps
  • dlamaier
    dlamaier Posts: 5 Member
    I love to make taco's out of blacken tilapia place in a low carb tortilla and add lettuce a little shredded low fat cheese and salsa I like hot salsa it is very good and high in protein.
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    The Shirataki noodles are wonderful and taste great- especially if you haven't been having carbs for a week or two. And frozen yogurt (90 calories per 1/2 cup) instead of yogurt or ice cream.
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    a really frozen banana blended with a little vanilla almond milk makes a great ice cream substitute. for those pms days -- through in a few dark chocolate chips. really good.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I have a terrible sweet tooth so I sub Special K Chocolate Peanut butter protein bars for snack treats--they are under 200 calories, have 10g protein and vitamins. Or I will eat a Nature Valley chewy trail mix bar. Better than succumbing to the candy!
  • sveltemarilyn
    sveltemarilyn Posts: 16 Member
    I love grilled cheese sandwiches, but I make mine with a low fat cheese slice on thin pepperidge farm bread. Spray Pam with butter flavor on the pan and grill it up. It's pretty satisfying.
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    has anyone tried the YONANAS machine? seems a bit overpriced at 50$, so thought i'd look for some opinions before buying...
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    has anyone tried the YONANAS machine? seems a bit overpriced at 50$, so thought i'd look for some opinions before buying...

    Would a blender do the same thing? I was just looking at the yonanas website and it looks like a decent idea.

    (Off to check the kitchen for bananas and thrown them in the freezer.)
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    I substitute laughing cow lite cheese for mayo, It serves as the cheese and the creaminess you need to keep sandwiches from being dry.
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    has anyone tried the YONANAS machine? seems a bit overpriced at 50$, so thought i'd look for some opinions before buying...

    You got me thinking on this. I froze some bananas yesterday and today put a small banana and about 3/4 cup frozen berries in a quart jar with a couple tablespoons of milk.

    Then blended it up with my stick blender - it worked great. Tasted great too!
  • Vntgshoes
    Vntgshoes Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try the banana almond milk drink ;)