Does anyone do the 30 Day Shred? What do you think of it?

heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
I just did day 1 of this... I liked it, and am wondering how experienced work out folks think it ranks.

I feel like I'm a pretty healthy eater, but I have real trouble getting consistant with exercise. I thought maybe a "doable" 20 minutes of someone telling me what to do would help....

What do you all think of it?



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I have done it a few times but never had any major results. I always think I see improvement in my arms and shoulders.

    I loved it for the same reason, a doable 20 min. I could never talk myself out of doing it because its so short. I get through level 1 & 2 but I can never finish level 3. I get bored and the moves are too easy. I did like Ripped in 30 better.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm currently doing L2, and it's a really good circuit program. I decided to do it before I go on to heavy lifting, mostly because I have a weak upper body (and crappy knees). Still can't do a proper push up, but planks I'm knocking out of the park! The ab work is pretty good too. 25 min 5 days a week, yep very doable~
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    I've done it before and liked it a lot. My pet peeves are that L3 is pretty tough on the knees (nothing some simple change ups or modifications can't fix) and I get pretty bored towards the end of the "30 days" (its not recommended to actually do it 30 days straight).

    but, it made me feel really strong and ready to tackle *almost* anything. enjoy!
  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    I do it 5 days a week and am starting level 2 on Monday. I have had great success and feel much stronger and slimmer.