sorry.. I'm new

amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
Sorry.. Im new to this group so I hope someone can help me, I tried going back through some older posts but couldnt find all the answers I wanted so I thought it best to just start my own discussion.

I'm 27, 5'2" and 136lbs. I calculated my BMR-1408, my TDEE- 2430, and my goal (with the cut %)- 1944.

My questions are:
1. How do you all calculate this on MFP? My original BMI on MFP was 1260 or something crazy. I started the "insanity" workouts about a week and a half ago and so I just changed my intake to the 1906 calculation from the book. I do not log my exercise on MFP then but I keep it in a journal. I usually do insanity and 3-5 times a week an extra workout at night so I am burning a lot of calories some days. Should I change this to my BMR or my goal and log my exercise or leave it as is? I'm really confused I know I should get around1944 and if I burn more than 536 calories I should eat some exercise calories back, correct?
2. I recently really started to work on getting in my protein. Before starting insanity, I added MFP to keep track of what I was eating and realized I have a huge weakness in this area. I changed my settings to 40carb/40protein/20fat, should I change this or is that necessary?
3. With eating more protein, I am always full! How do you get in the calories? I have never went over 1800 and my goals is 1900+ so I need ideas on what to eat so I dont get to full but also keep enough protein/ and not too many carbs in my diet.
4. I also just purchased my first tub of whey protein. I use it as a snack or one of my 5-6 "meals" with something else. Should I only use this after a workout? I usually workout mid-morning, right before lunch, so when I am done I just want to eat lunch. Should I take my protein shake/drink then and save lunch for later or does it really matter?

Thanks so much for clearing things up for me. For months before switching to MFP, I was on weight watchers and I was given very low calories to eat and felt hungry alot. I also, probably because I am so active and eating so little, didn't lose as much as I'd hoped. I still have 20lbs to lose/tone up and I really think that this "eat more to weigh less" group and my workouts could help me do that. Thanks in advance for the help, also... I love having motivation and people to help me out so feel free to add me or message me!


  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi and welcome! Sounds like you are in the right track.
    A few suggestions:
    Try dividing your total calories by the number of times you want to eat and preplan your meals. Takes the guesswork out!
    Generally it's recommended to do protein powder up to 30 minutes after your workout. I also use it to supplement my protein when I get sick of all that meat, lol.
    You may want to think about switching your macros to 40/30/30 c/f/p. The extra fat (healthy fats) will help you to feel satisfied.
    Hope that helps!
  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi there

    A day or so ago there was a thread about protein shakes and a link to a very informative doc in one of the comments. Ughhh, cannot find it now, but maybe someone else can help out?

    There was some interesting information about the best use of whey protein depending on the type. My understanding is that it is best to drink the 100% whey protein directly after your workout (30-60 min) because it helps best with muscle repair because it is a quick release. A slow release or blended whey is more for use throughout the day and can be used as a meal or snack. Things would also depend on the primary reason you use the protein shake (e.g. Hitting your protein macro for the day vs muscle repair). But doing the directly after workout thing will most likely cover both of these if it works with your routine and eating plan :smile:

    I have found that using the protein shake helps with the "feeling too full to eat all my cals". I have no idea whether it is just in my head because it feels less substantial texture-wise as oppose to say chicken breast but hopefully you will have the same experience :smile:

    Good luck on your journey!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I eat things like chica seeds and goji berries to my cereal to add cals, other things i like is 25 grams of tahini with a banana (approx 250 cals right there)...have a nut/seed/dried fruit mix ... avocado...protein shakes made with milk...slightly bigger amounts of protein with my mealls...add chese to salad/sandwiches
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone. I think I will try to have my protein shakes after exercise and see how that works out.

    I dont know if I missed the answer to the questions how you all set up your MFP. Do you use BMR + exercise and eat all exercise back, set at TDEE and add exercise and only eat back if your exercise is more than TDEE-BMR?

    Also- someone said to change my settings with carbs/fats/proteins do we think thats necessary? I have it 40c/40p/20f now.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi, click on food, then goals. You can change your calorie goal under there by clicking on "custom goal". Then set your goal to TDEE -15% (unless you are doing the reset). You only eat exercise calories if you're netting under BMR. In that case, eat back those calories to bring your net above BMR.
    20% fat is pretty low, 30% is more recommended, but it's important those are healthy fats from nuts, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, fish,etc.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    but it's important those are healthy fats from nuts, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, fish,etc.

  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks... I change my goal to my TDEE- 20% which leaves me at 1938. Seems so high but I am starting to understand how not fueling your body can hurt you. I work out 1-2 times a day and was eating 1500-1600 and losing little to no weight so I'm praying this helps. I have seen such great responses I am willing to give it a try. A little nervous to eat that much, especially since eating 1600 was really hard for me (I came from weight watchers and my body was used to not eating a lot). I am going to try all of your ideas, and anyone else- whats your nutrients (protein/carbs/fats) set at? I just used the 40/40/20 since thats what elite nutrition was recommending.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hi there, a 20% cut is a lot for someone who is relatively close to their goal weight. You might consider only doing a 15% cut.
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    I want to lose 20lbs, so should I only do a 15% cut. That's over 2000 calories a day, any ideas on getting that in? I try for 5-6 meals a day so thats 350 calories or more eat one. I'm not getting close to that yet.

    Also- My settings are 40/40/20 should I change those?

    **HUGE QUESTION: If I'm going to go way over on carbs in a day, I usually don't eat as many calories so I don't go as far over if that makes sense. Should I worry more about getting to the calorie number than if I go over on carbs/fats/etc?
  • ae2rigc
    ae2rigc Posts: 37
    A day or so ago there was a thread about protein shakes and a link to a very informative doc in one of the comments. Ughhh, cannot find it now, but maybe someone else can help out?

    There was some interesting information about the best use of whey protein depending on the type.

    Sound like it was something I posted a cuppla days ago...?
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hey, sent you a friend request. we have similar goals and weigh the same amount!
  • ae2rigc
    ae2rigc Posts: 37
    For the what to eat question, I can't tell you what to eat but what I do is....

    I'm targeting 2500 right now with ratios of 50c/30p/20f and I've found the best way for me is 3 meals, 3 snacks

    Breakfast is porridge with added peanut butter, sometimes a protein shake on the side
    Power bar snack
    300-400 lunch
    shake in the afternoon
    6-700 dinner followed by fruit and greek yoghurt
    another snack/shake in evening

    I'm never hungry, never forcing, meet the goals (most days lol), and am losing weight and inches.