How did everybody do?

2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
I didn't make it to 15 lbs but I did lose inches so can't complain! Lol also seeing muscle build up... Especially in my legs. :-) dropped at least one size.. Maybe two not sure since I have no pants that size to check lol
Anywho hope everyone has an awesome memorial weekend!!


  • skimom7
    skimom7 Posts: 70
    It's like a ghost town here! LOL I know, I disappeared too! ;o) I lost 8 lbs. I weighed this morning. I am happy with the loss and ready for 8 more. You did great! You are 9 lbs down, hooray for you!

    We need to start another group. Maybe something for 10 weeks going for 15 lbs or something. What do you think? If we started Monday 11 and went for 10 weeks then our last day would be August 20. Are you in?
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Yep! and i would love to have a spreadsheet from day one! it keeps me more accountable. lol