Weekend Diet & Exercise

The weekend is here. Now what?!

We can be so disciplined during the week but when it comes to weekends....:ohwell:

I truly think it is okay to have the weekend to relax and have fun. I don't beat myself up if I eat foods that are not exactly on my diet as long as I don't go crazy. :wink:

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Enjoy it and have fun!



  • lisahiner
    lisahiner Posts: 12 Member
    I've been giving myself one day a week to not worry so much about the calories. But I find that even then I'm thinking about it, and counting what I'm putting in my mouth. (bummer - it's becoming a habit!)

    Hope you have a great weekend too. We've got kids coming in for birthday celebrations and father's day celebrations, so I'm going to be happy. Have some yummy food planned - Cuban pork and black beans and rice, and mariquitas (plantains that are cooked when they're green-sliced really thin with mojo sauce) YUM! Actually we love the meduros (cooked when they are ripe) but don't have much success cooking them...And chicken picatta. AND, for Sarah's boyfriend Ken, chocolate amaretto flan. I'll be watching what I eat, but these are generally not too bad anyway.

    Do you miss Cuban food? We do! There was a cuban restaurant we used to go to on Orange Avenue...called Numero Uno. Did you ever go there? The last time we went, we ordered dinner, then ordered dinner again, to go!!!! We practically licked our plates!