Important stuff will go here one day.
How is everyone doing so far for 2013?
Share your New Year goals, resolutions, and let's encourage one another!
Drinking Sodas - Regular & Diet - Challenge
How many sodas do you drink in a day? How about a week? A month? We are taking an interesting look at sodas this week and would love to have you join us in the challenge of... No More Sodas! If you have broken the habit of drinking them, please share how you did that and what made you come to the decision to stop drinking…
I posted some goals on my blog not too long ago ( that I think are reasonable and doable for me at this point and time in my life. As we get this group started, what are some fit & healthy goals you would like to reach this year? I know it's May and that we are 5 months into the…
How do I get to know the people in this group?
I'd love to use this group to give, and receive, support, but don't know how to access other people's updates for this group. Do you have to wait until someone starts a discussion, or should I "friend" everybody?
Responding To Negative Input
How do you respond to another who tries to belittle your ambitions? I posted a saying from Mark Twain that says... Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Do you set little goals along the way to the big ones?
BlessedMom asked a great question in one of the replies on the board. Do you set little goals along the way to the big ones?
Scales vs. Measurements
Which do you like to use to measure your goals - the scales or the tape measure? :heart:
Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients and Herbs
One of my goals this year was to start taking my supplements to kick things up a notch. I shared a video of some of the things I am taking on TPH facebook page and why. If you are taking supplements, what kind are you using and what are the benefits you have found to help you out? xo Cat
Weekend Diet & Exercise
The weekend is here. Now what?! We can be so disciplined during the week but when it comes to weekends....:ohwell: I truly think it is okay to have the weekend to relax and have fun. I don't beat myself up if I eat foods that are not exactly on my diet as long as I don't go crazy. :wink: I hope everyone has a GREAT…
Body Brushing: Skin Health & Cellulite Reduction
Have you ever heard of body brushing? Sounds a bit odd but the benefits are amazing. When you use a skin brush on dry skin, you help get rid of dead skin cells but also bring back the circulation to the surface. This allows your skin to do what it is supposed to do and that is get rid of the toxins in your body. It also…