D4 L1

jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
So here we are at Day 4!

I am beginning to feel it a little easier and definitely not as sore as Wednesday/Thursday. Sweated ALOT but I was really pushing to do the advanced version when I could. Translation: Living in fear of Level 2 lol

Those push ups are still not happening for me and my calfs are burning at the point you go from jumping jacks to jump rope, that's the point I most want to take a 5 second breather.


  • MisanthropeKitty
    Done with Day 4 here too! Tomorrow I am going to add in hand weights *faints* The absolute worst part of it for me is those squat things where one leg is behind you and you have to squat down... I can NOT make it through those without my thighs feeling like they are on fire!
  • MisanthropeKitty
    I woke up STARVING today!!! Anyone else feeling hungrier?
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    I woke up STARVING today!!! Anyone else feeling hungrier?

    I am actually but I changed my eating times when I started MFP, to avoid eating my evening meal too late at night, so I'm finding I want breakfast soon after I wake up. You must be burning lots off, a good sign!

    Also, I'm not eating before I do the Shred cos it made me feel quite sick the other day.
  • MisanthropeKitty
    I woke up STARVING today!!! Anyone else feeling hungrier?

    I am actually but I changed my eating times when I started MFP, to avoid eating my evening meal too late at night, so I'm finding I want breakfast soon after I wake up. You must be burning lots off, a good sign!

    Also, I'm not eating before I do the Shred cos it made me feel quite sick the other day.

    Probably all the crap I ate yesterday. I spent the entire day with friends so we had junky foods. Not much protein so I'm sure my body was starving for some! LOL
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Day 4, Shredded.

    Easier today than yesterday.

    My pecs hurt.
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    starving? im ravenous lol..keep to the same cals it menas your burning loads. today seemed really easy and now i actually fancy doing it again..how have i turned into an excerise addict over 3 weeks lol, anyways day 4 shredded
  • avelline
    avelline Posts: 16 Member
    ahhhhh. Tired. Just finished the shred in 90 degree weather...My house is about 80 right now. I feel gross.
  • BetherFace
    BetherFace Posts: 48
    Took day four off, just didn't have time. I'm alright with it though, I walked ALL DAY LONG so I don't feel like I slacked too bad.