Starting Turbo Fire

Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
I have lost 11.5 lbs doing Turbo Jam and am looking forward to starting Turbo Fire tomorrow. I'm hoping I can get through it...any tips???


  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Congrats!! That's what I did...started with Turbo Jam and then went to Turbo Fire. I absolutely LOVE Turbo Fire. Did you start it yet? It seems so fast at first but you will get used to it! In fact, I can't go back and do Turbo Jam because I think it is too slow now. Any tips would be just keep going...even if you think you are tired...the amazing way you feel at the end will get you through! Also, modify as needed. Let me know how you like it!!
  • I am going to do my first workout in a few! gotta lose 60 pounds! wanna try n be down at lease 25 by the end of july! any tips
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    My only tip is to keep trying. I found myself getting frustrated by the moves. Every week I would get better. Now there is not a lot that I can't do. I done one full round, now I'm doing a TF/KettleWorx hyrid of my own.

    Good luck, you will be fine!
  • vero_lzzz
    vero_lzzz Posts: 8 Member
    Hi every one i get the turbofire today on the mail and i was checking and i dont know if i have to start with the 9 weeks or the 20 weeks any one know how i should use it??
    im a mom of 2 boys and i wanna lose 60 or more lb ASAP


    any one want to start working out with me??? im gonna start next monday june 4! text me (931 303 4680) i will love to share this with any one to help each other!!!

    <<se habla espanol>>
  • Hello! I just started Turbo Fire Last Sunday and I am starting to see results in the way that my clothes fit. However, I am no seeing any results on the scale at all. I am trying my best to log everything that I eat and that is stressing me out. Anyone have similar results in the first week?
  • priepen
    priepen Posts: 37 Member
    I am finishing up week 3 and starting on week 4 tomorrow I am having the same issue. Don't get discouraged some of the fat is probably converting to muscle. This is an intense workout at times and we are definately building muscle. Just go by how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting better don't get discouraged by the scale.:smile:
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    Hey I am going through the same thing as you – I am finishing up week 3 today and going onto week 4 – I haven’t lost any weight but I def feel my muscles are toning – especially my abs – I think mine has a lot to do with my diet – I need to work on that…. I am loving the Turbo Fire workouts tho!!! They are so much fun!! I am doing the 20 week program – really hope I can see some results on the scale soon!!! :)
  • mkvanli
    mkvanli Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, everyone! I've been using MFP for about a month now just tracking my calorie intake, but now I'm taking it a step further by starting Turbo Fire! Since I didn't start out with Turbo Jam, and since it's been awhile activity wise for me, I am starting with the 9 week program before getting into the "big kid" routine. But so far, I love it! Even Stretch 40 felt fantastic--I'm still feeling it today! Can't wait to continue!
  • MartinBartnicki
    MartinBartnicki Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys,
    I just start Turbo Fire (20weeks) this Sunday, really love. I've try HipHop ABS for couple of days before but I didn't feel that I work hard enough, With TF I feel like after the gym :)
    Lost 25kg (55lb) already in last 3 years, but still overweight, so hope to get to nice shape with TF and then I want to try Insanity.
    Wish you all the best :)
  • SarahFox1118
    SarahFox1118 Posts: 21 Member
    I say by far the best gauge is to calculate your body fat % on a weekly basis. Get some calipers if you don't have any or use this link in the mean time:

    Weight will fluctuate throughout your day based on food and water intake and waste/sweat/burn, etc. Body fat % will not change so sporadically. THEN use mirrors, clothes, measurements, and weight as additional motivators. But primarily focus on body fat% as it's much more indicative of overall fitness.

    And do a fitness test once every month or so to see your performance improvement. I use the one from

    So that's my 2 cents.