Trying to eat right: nutritional foods vs empty calories

Ok so I finally understand that I have to eat more to weight less. I have been a junk food addict for over 5 years and don't really know about foods that are good for you. I love fruits and vegetables they don't bother me it's that it was much easier to eat junk than healthier.

So my:
BRM Is 1899
TDEE is 2936
CUT (-20%): 2349

Macro nutrient Ratios: 40/40/20 carb/protein/fat

What kinds of nutritional foods can I eat. Can someone give me an example of daily meal plan please or where to get one? Im going to try to eat between 5-6 meals a day. Sorry if I don't make any sense I'm still learning :)


  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    Hey, I just started 3 days ago. Add me if you want. You can check out my diary... it's not perfect. But I'm trying!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    The scooby site can help you break down your macros, P/C/F per meal (how many meals) based on your requirements.

    My diary isn't "clean" because I eat real world, but it's open...some days are better than others!
    There are others here that have their diaries open too, it's ok to peek!
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    Feel free to look at my diary too. I try to eat nutritious foods, but there are times when I splurge a bit too, so keep that in mind when you take a look. :)
  • LaBori7
    LaBori7 Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone! It really helps me understand a bit more about nutrition. All I know is salads, fruits, and veggies. Don't really know what breads besides whole grain wheat and cheeses and such that are good for you.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    Here's a real easy way to figure out planning your meals.

    Think RED, WHITE & GREEN.

    RED~ PROTEIN~LARGE PORTION= lean meats, fish, eggs

    WHITE~ CARBS~MEDIUM PORTION= whole grain breads, wraps, brown rice, oatmeal, high fiber cereal, whole wheat pasta
    note: fruits and "white" carbs like potatoes, white rice, white bread & rolls are in this category too

    GREEN~ VEGGIES~ UNLIMITED PORTION= salad, broccoli, green beans, spinach, etc.

    A nice dinner might be pasta (white), meatballs (red) with sauce & a salad (green)

    Don't forget that FAT is an important nutrient too (yes, I said nutrient) and ALL of your meals should have SOME GOOD FAT in it.

    In the example meal, that might be the salad dressing along with the "built in" fat in the meatballs.

    Choose snacks that have at least ONE REDEEMING QUALITY in them. For example:


    And last, but not least, leave a little room for things like pizza and ice cream that are just plain yummy!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Here is a list of foods that I eat most days (not necessarily all of them in the same day):

    protein pancakes
    protein bars
    greek yogurt with all bran buds
    lots of berries
    banana or apple with peanut butter on it
    peanut butter
    chocolate milk
    healthy muffins
    grilled meats with veggies and a starch (bread, rice, potatoes)
    tuna sandwich