For today I ask for the willingness

vatblack Posts: 221 Member
... to get off this machine and do some long overdue cleaning and sewing. I also ask for the willingness to go on a long bike ride in the evening when the rain clears up. I ask for my daughter to take a nap early so that I can also rest before I do a lot of work.

For today, I ask that if none of these things happen due to circumstance not in my control, that I will accept it and move on.


  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Well, I managed to do some of the sewing. I'm about to do some of the cleaning up after the sewing... and general cleaning. I hope to also cook. I did not have a good eating day. I think I ate emotionally when I was struggling with my sewing project. I realized it as it was happening. So, next time I hope to recognize it before the time.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    To not let my step dads mood swings affect my own mood. I am responsible for how I let myself feel. HP will give me guidance if I ask for it, so I've found quiet time this morning to hand my day over, and to let it all go ........ yeah thats so freeing!!!!
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I ask for the willingness to keep the same busy schedule as yesterday. I felt so invigorated and happy for being so busy all day. I want to repeat that today.
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    For today, I ask for the willingness to take contrary action. I feel overwhelmed by all that I am responsible for in life. A demanding career, two children, a husband, household finances, my program (meetings, food plan, outreach calls, reading, writing, calling sponsor), and finding time for me. There's only 24 hours in a day and some days I feel like I can't handle all that is on my plate. So just for today, I ask for the willingness to do what God would have me to do. It's pretty late now, so I am committing to folding clothes/cleaning for no more than 40 minutes, taking a shower, and then going to bed. Oh darn, I still need to make lunches for my husband and I, so I will only do 30 minutes of cleaning/folding laundry so that I have 10 minutes for lunches. Thanks for your posts everyone. I need this and it's good to know that I'm not alone.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Yes, you are not alone!

    For today, I ask for the willingness to get through all the tasks I have to do on my mental list too (not hardly as much as you have to do ihardy!). However, I ask MORE for the understanding that my mental list is only a guideline, as is my food plan and my action plan. Everything is fixed, yet movable at the same time. I ask for the grace to know when to stick to the fixed plan and when to be flexible and move stuff around.
  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
    Today i ask for the willingness to believe that I am more than just a number on the scale.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    to forgive myself for not eating as well as I wanted to. We had a family/friends gathering and the only healthy food at the buffet was the fruit salad I had prepared. I didn't hand it over and ended up eating more than I should and some. Tonight I am home alone (husband nights, sons away camping), and I ask for the willingness to read some OA literature and enjoy the quiet time.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I ask for the strength to finish the sewing project that I'm absolutely hating right now without eating over it.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Sigh, I did eat out of frustration in the end... but I will forgive myself and make better choices tomorrow.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    For today I ask for the willingness for my character defects to made abundantly clear to me.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    to sit with this craving I'm having right now!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not going to die if I don't give in, it will pass. :grumble:
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I hope the craving subsided.

    I have learnt more about how heavy the food is I eat in calories today. Eye opening for sure.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you for the support vatblack. The craving hung around for ages last night, in the end I asked if its Gods will to increase the craving, but if its my will to reduce it. It didn't reduce, so I ate a portion of non trigger food.

    Today, the message is coming through to log. It is leading up to my husbands night duties (a massive trigger in the past), I have clients booked in and meal times can sometimes get lazy because I tell myself I'm too busy to cook.

    Today I ask for the willingness to use MFP logging tool as it should be used. Just off now to do my quite time and then start my day. Have a lovely day everyone :happy:
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    For today, I ask for the willingness to be gentle and forgiving. I am committed to changing my lifestyle and not looking for a quick fix (although I still want one!!!). I have been thinking a lot about my compulsive overeating behaviors that go back as far as 9 or 10 years old and I'll be 40 this year. I can't undo that many years of compulsive overeating in a couple of months. I have to change my way of thinking and behaving and the Big Book reminds me that I am only given a daily reprieve based upon my fit spiritual condition! I will make time today to contact with my Higher Power through prayer, meditation, and going to a meeting tonight. One day at a time is all that I can do and being asked to do.
  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
    Big Book reminds me that I am only given a daily reprieve based upon my fit spiritual condition!

    Great reminder for today!! Thank you for posting this.

    On this site, we focus so much on being physically fit. We who have eating disorders know that physical recovery is just one part of the triangle. So thanks for the reminder this morning. I'll try to carry that with me today.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    yes, what a wonderful reminder.

    Today I ask for the willingness to take care of my spiritual side too.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Ditto what everyone has said!!!!

    Today I ask for the willingness to handover annoyance. I was due to have a man here to repair one of my shutters at 8.30 am. He has just phoned to cancel. Annoyed because I got up extra early to ensure room was tidy (our bedroom so bed made etc), rearranged a client due to noise disturbance for them, missed my exercise session and now sitting here twiddling my thumbs. But HP knows best and intuition is saying now get on with your quiet time and readings...... so thats where I'm off too :happy: .... see feel better already :laugh:

    Keep safe everyone x
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Look on the bright side, at least he phoned! We had someone who had to do work for us. He NEVER phoned if he was not going to make it. Then he'd have a 1000 excuses and eventually we got someone else. I realize it is an annoyance to you and it would annoy me too, but at least he called.
  • ihardy44
    ihardy44 Posts: 17 Member
    I love how you put this mornig's circumstances into perspective. I probably would have been pretty pissed off because of the inconvenience, but being reminded that God has a different plan is great!