Welcome! Tell us a little about your goals!



  • dincoka
    dincoka Posts: 10 Member

    I am a 25 year old wife, daughter to sick parents, sister to a wonderful brother, and beautiful woman!! I have my struggels with my parents and brother not being healthy as well as I am sick my self with fibromyalgia and sinus tachyrdia.

    I was an avid athlete until the fatigue and chronic debiliting pain got so bad I had to get treatment. 4 SSRI's later and 85 pounds in 15 months I am a wreck! After 4 years I am finally able to control the fatigue and pain about 25 out of 30 days a month and my heart rate is doen to 85 bpm instead of the 175 bpm at RESTING so that means HELLO WORKING OUT AND BB!!!!

    I am determined to lose 100 pounds and have 10 - 12% body fat for at least 6 months before my husband and I start our family this would be more preferrable for at least a year!

    I am finishing my masters this summer at Michigan State University in Chemistry and Will begin my PhD work at Central Michigan university in the fall in Neuroscience.

    My dreams are to be a Great mom and wife that is health, strong, a good role model with a a career. On the weekends I love to work on my acher of land playing with my cats, chickens, and working in my veggie garden, herb garden, and flower beds! I love to be outside and doing manual labor!

    I hope that someone else has some of these interests and we can support eachother!

    Dincoka (Katie)
  • dincoka
    dincoka Posts: 10 Member

    Do Chalean Extreme First if you have not started all ready!!! I love it and it has helped me get ready for the higher levels. Then try Power 90 with Horton, finally transition into p90x!!

    Hope this helps!
  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    Hi there.

    I just finished week 2 of BBL. It's completely different from what I've been doing for the last few years; namely squatting, snatching, and clean and jerking as heavy as possible. Despite the very heavy loads, and the amount of time I was spending training (it was seriously a part time job), AND the micromanagment of my nutrition, I was gaining weight. I got completely burned out on it because of the ridiculous schedule I was maintaining and I can't stomach the thought of olympic lifting any time in the foreseeable future!

    So, I decided to do something completely different and bought BBL, P90X, P90X2, AND Insanity. I may get ChaLEAN extreme as well and combine it with Insanity for the next round. I'm kind of ADD on this stuff right now since I did the same thing every day for two years; I really need variety right now.

    Anyway, ultimate goal is to have an awesome after picture and a healthier attitude toward fitness and actually enjoy what I'm doing when I'm in the moment. Not too much to ask, right? I'm at 21% body fat now, so looking to get to 15% or so and see what's what.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm an Australian doing the Beachbody programs :) I did Hip Hop Abs to start with and while I didn't lose any kgs but I lost cm. I don't seem to ever actually lose many kgs but I am wanting to tone up and lost 2kgs (or 4lbs).

    I'm now onto my 2nd week of Turbo Jam and loving it. I do need that push cos life just gets in the way and I have to push myself to exercise. I used to be great and go to the gym 5-6 times a week before kids but have been on and off for the last 4yrs.

    I work part time doing vet laboratory work and love it! I love the thought of helping some sick animals in some way. I work 27hrs over 4 days. It ties in well as my husband can look after the kids on 2 of those days and they're at childcare/kindy 2 days a week.

    Feel free to add me
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Hey! Just started Month 2 of Insanity!! Um, in my first month even tho I pushed hard and I got stronger. I didnt lose that much weight at all, basically like 2 pounds and some inches not much and I GAINED muscle! Yea I CAN see major muscle definition but my fat is still there :/ Then again, I messed up alot on my Diet part of it all..But this time around I am gonna be following the Nutrition plan and yea Hopefully see some really great results...Also after this I plan on tackling P90X with weights and then go for a 2nd round of Insanity after that... :)

    I might also do doubles too .
  • Frag_Bunny
    Frag_Bunny Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal. Last week I started Slim in 6 in hopes of slimming down before I go wedding dress shopping in September. I have to say my thighs and butt are not happy but at least I know it's working then! :)
  • Hey everyone I just started the p90x workout about a month ago so far so good its one hell of a workout! Im doing my best to keep myself motivated so I thought this group would b perfect for me! I love reading peoples success stories!
  • MalloryCurrent
    MalloryCurrent Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! I am a mother of one. Happily married to a soldier and soon to be police officer once out of the military. I gained almost 100 pounds when he joined the military and now I am working on shedding those unwanted pounds. I bought Turbo Jams when it first came out. My sister and I used to do them everyday and we lost a lot of weight with them. I have now pulled them out again and I'm using them to help me achieve my goals. Once I get into better shape, I will open my Insanity DVDs and P90X LOL. I am not that brave YET!
  • demeterlv
    demeterlv Posts: 6
    I'm Kelly and I'm a mother of two, a 3-1/2 yo son & a 6 mn old daughter. I work full time so the only time I have to work out is at night after everyone is asleep. Today is my last day of week 3 doing Insanity and so far I LOVE IT!!! Its hard but so worth it. I haven't lost a lot of lbs yet but I see tons of improvements. I plan to follow up with P90X or a hybrid of both, we'll see how this round goes first.

    My husband and I used to work out at the gym everyday for 2+ hours a night and were in great shape....then we got married. And very very comfortable LOL. Needless to say we both have weight to loss but he is going a different route than I am.

    I am also a juicer and am love that I can make my diet more well rounded and get the fruits and veggies in that I need cuz I'm terrible about eating them. Since starting Insanity I was worried about eating all those little meals but juicing has given me a way to get what my body needs without having to "eat".

    I can use all the help, support, motivation, and inspiration I can get so Add Me!!!