Day 11 - 6/11 Check-ins

Absidey Posts: 116 Member
I'm anticipating an unlovely Monday, how 'bout you? Liven it up with a kick-butt workout!

(I'll update the spreadsheet after work Monday night. I was quite lazy this weekend; sorry about that.)


  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    Back on track 50 minutes on Elliptical
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    After a weekend of being totally sedentary, I put in 70 minute of Zumba and 35 minutes of weight lifting. :)
  • ebjax
    ebjax Posts: 8
    I've been so motivated just by being in this group. Keeping my promise to do at least 30 minutes daily...some days it's "only" gardening and weeding or going for a walk, but twice i week I now have a full hour spin workout. What a difference in how i feel. Thanks.
  • liz_steinborn
    liz_steinborn Posts: 27 Member
    Woops! I missed yesterday. But I got out and walked for 38 minutes this morning. I use RunKeeper on my iPhone and it tells me my average speed, so I keep trying to beat my old speeds. Good motivation!
  • patandy32
    patandy32 Posts: 33
    Loving the Jillian Michaels, 27mins in
  • Cathy060
    Cathy060 Posts: 26
    30 minutes of heavy duty housework and a 15 minute walk.
  • nlepine84
    nlepine84 Posts: 145 Member
    I missed the weekends, I did some walking but I didn't add it all up...
    Monday I fit in an hour walk
  • tlctrace
    tlctrace Posts: 138 Member
    30 mintues on the elliptical
    10 minute abs workout
    10 minute arms workout