Anyone see progress after 6+ weeks?



  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I think I'm going to give this one more week, and then I think I've decided I'm going to bow out. :frown:
    Maybe my body just isn't able to handle these calories even with all the working out. My nutritionist said no more than 2200 and maybe he was right. I think Kiki and Lucia are awesome and I'm so happy this is working for some people, but I'm officially miserable. I have ONE pair of Bodycombat shorts that I wear to teach (70 bucks a pop. UGH) and for the past few weeks I have taken pictures in them to compare. I look worse and worse and then are so uncomfortable. I can barely teach in them. Maybe if I was in another profession I could keep muddling through, but here I am at the front of the class and i'm supposed to model fitness. Where was now I'm spilling out of my shorts to the point where it's giving me a wedgie while I teach. I feel awful and my self confidence is down in the dumps. I was feeling good before...was curious if maybe this would help me break through a plateau, but after a month and a half of feeling worse and worse about myself I think it's time for me to give it up. Just me personally seems to help a bunch of people..but maybe as an average size woman one can only handle so many calories no matter how much one is working out. I'll give this maybe one more week as some people seemed to see a difference around this time...but I think I'll maybe just be thankful for how I looked at the beginning of this process and come to terms with it...because the way I'm feeling sitting in these shorts right now...about to preach just feeling too awful. :cry:

    I can't remember....are you doing the reset? How long have you been resetting for if you are? If you aren't (which I think you aren't because of the calorie requirements) this could be your one stalling factor. I agree with rebekahgo that you should get a monthly average but I think you should eat the tdee, not a cut right now. Get your body set up properly and then drop into your cut. As horrible and scary as that seems, and even though you may go through a real tough reset, it's what waits at the other side of it that you want. That's what gets me through this, is knowing what I'm aiming for.

    I am 10 weeks into this journey and only now am I starting to see signs that my metabolism is speeding up. I spent a few weeks getting up to TDEE - 15% and then sat there for about 4 weeks before starting a full reset. I am now on week 3 of my reset. The bloat only just now disappeared although my weight is still up a total of 5 - 6 lbs. I spent 10 weeks with a full bloat and no reprieve no matter what I did. My jeans wouldn't fit at all for the last few weeks (which brought me to tears) and yet I was able to wear them a couple of days ago again even though there has been no lost inches or pounds - just the bloat finally going away and an insatiable hunger developing.

    All of our journey's will be different, but the goals are all the same. To be fit, healthy, lean, and have the ability to eat what we want! We want our lives to be full, not deprived of joy and fullness. We don't want to be slaves to food, or the treadmill or feel like we just can't win the battle of the bulge for the rest of our lives because it keeps coming back!

    Your fear is going to be your worst enemy here. Beat it into submission and rule your own life. My personal quote through this entire journey has been:

    "If I have to go through Hell to get out of Purgatory, then so be it."

    I was sick of purgatory....aren't you? Isn't that why you came here in the first place? Are you willing to do what it takes to get your life back?
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    I took my average TDEE (over 30 days) -15%, it's about 2000 (give or take). Do you have a cheat day? I mean a day where you eat whatever you want. This helps me....also do you take a day off from exercise. I know you teach classes, but every one should take a day, just for a mental break at the least.

    Just a suggestion.