Hi and all that. Here!



  • dji386
    dji386 Posts: 4 Member
    First and foremost, I love everything about this group. So my name is Deryck, I'm from Riverside, CA, and I have roughly 125 lbs to lose. I'm doing Keto and alternate day fasting. Feel free to add me and good luck to you all!
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    Woo hoo a group aimed at my future skinny self!! My name is Jennie, I am 29 and live in southern NJ. I have identified myself as an Atheist since I was 12 and realized there was something that explained my lack of belief in hocus pocus and fairy tales. I have probably been faithless since I was about 8. My parents had a stint where they thought I should be taught the ways of the old timey religion and sent me off every Wednesday to bible school with some kid that lived down the street from me and that lasted about 3 months until I knocked his teeth out on the playground for teasing me.

    Yeahhhhh I've been a bad mutha shut yo mouth since then (:

    I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager and I am currently 40 or 50 pounds under my highest weight.

    I can't wait to be a skinny Atheist and find a sexy faithless boytoy. Apparently because I have a tummy boys don't want sexy time. Well, one does but that's neither here nor there.

    Feel free to add me people!
  • futurenaut
    Saw the name and had to join. :) I'm futurenaut and I'm here to lose some weight! Feel free to add me as a friend - just add in the message where/why you're adding me.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been in the group a while, but just decided to post now. I'm Megan, 21 years old and trying to lose about 10-15 more pounds. I've openly been Atheist for about 7 years, but I've come a long way. I used to be a very narrow minded and obnoxious Atheist, now I am more accepting and consider myself an Agnostic-Atheist.

    I've been all over the place with my variety of workouts, I started with Jillian Michaels workout videos and then switched to some insanity, I've been able to do strength training for a short period, I've always loved biking and have done a little bit of that, and at the beginning of the summer I got into running. I ran my first 5k this past Saturday and plan on running many more.

    Once college starts again I hope to get back into strength training because I really miss squats!
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    I have lost 52 lbs, thanks to lapband surgery. It hasn't been very easy but I'm making pretty good progress. I would like to lose about 60 more lbs. The weight charts say I should be 116 but I think I'd feel weak and frail if I was ever that skinny!
  • Katt1320
    Katt1320 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi! I"m Katt. I'm workin' hard to get all sessy. Feel free to add a fellow like-minded Atheist!
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm Alice, a 36 year old atheist pansexual nerd living in Baltimore. I am SO glad to find you! I was glad to discover fellow geeks on here, but I think I am even more relieved to find some atheists and agnostics about the place. As much I like meeting other people for support, I'm not really motivated by the people praying for each other and asking god for strength in changing their lifestyles.

    Hope you all are doing awesome things and making yourselves better to enjoy this life! :)
  • karenplauze
    karenplauze Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, all. I am a 57 y/o heterosexua female. I am somewhere between Atheist and Agnostic. I am not superstitious and do not attribute everything from creation to my personal accomplishments and failings to the interventions of an imaginary sky god. With that in mind, I decided that I could not, "in good faith" so to speak, continue to blame my weight gain on my abusive mother and dysfunctional family. I have always been about 133 (my "military weight"). Over the past 10 years I gained weight and am now 162. It is time that changed. And I am the one who has to do it.
    Anyway, I guess I have always been a nonbeliever, even though I was raised Catholic. During my recent involvement with my dysfunctional family I not only gained weight but, hold onto your hats, tried to turn back to the church for answers to why I was in such a situation. After actually reading the bible and, more importantly, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a realized what a glut of cognitive dissonance and bent logic Catholic dogma is made up of. I feel I have cognitively returned to sanity. Now its time I physically regained my health as well.
    As you can see from my picture, I have one less item on my "bucket list"!