Important stuff will go here one day.
Bumper Sticker
I need a new offensive bumper sticker for my car. I have the FSM logo tacked on there. Any ideas? Was thinking the sushi/darwin fish, wasnt sure which word in the fish would be more obviously "take that" like.
Hi and all that. Here!
Hey everyone, I'm Phoebe. I'm a Jew(ish) Atheist lesbian calorie counting pro. I'm also a senior at Temple University and I'm going to lose 60 pounds to get to my goal weight. My girlfriend and I started our new active lifestyle a few months ago, and now that we've figured out our strengths, we work as a great team. I'm…
c'mon, we gotta laff. We atheists especially need to stay smiling, as others (sometimes gleefully?) warn us we are headed to hell in a handbasket. I love humor and love pictures and posters and comics, i have 100s of atheist comics to share. Here is thread for comics, jokes, funny stuff, or posters, for those of here who…
What's your motivation?
This group is full of interesting people so far from what I've read in the introductions! Just curious as to what your motivations to get healthy. Mine is to have children, because I currently cannot. My eating habits have wrecked havoc on my hormones, so I'm working to fix that the right way. :drinker:
Sharing is caring... or something like that.
Hello FSAA peeps! I'm an avid reader of the PostSecrets community and Sunday is my favorite day of the week. No, it's not because of church, silly people... it's because that's when the new secrets are posted. I came across this image and it hit very close to home for me. I posted it on facebook only to have my friends…