Where Are My Tall Ladies??? (Pics Would Be Great!!!)



  • Hey I'm Precious. I signed up for mfp last month but just starting to actually use it. I am 5"11 and 336lbs. My first goal is to lose 36lbs by October. Then to my next goal. I know this may sound weird but I want to lose the flab but still keep my curves so if anyone have any suggestions please let me know.
  • JordanandJacque
    JordanandJacque Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I am so glad there is a group for tall women. I am -

    beginning weight 174
    current weight 162
    1st goal weight 165
    2nd goal weight 155
    ultimate goal weight 145
  • julienib
    julienib Posts: 12 Member
    Hey y'all!

    Started keto about 2 months ago and mfp about 2 weeks ago and I am HOOKED

    I'm 21 and 5'11"
    sw: 251
    cw: 229 (22 lbs lost!)
    gw1: 199
    ugw: 170

    Let's be friends!
  • Hey, I'm 5ft 10in. Currently 190lbs and goal is 140-150lbs. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • ThePilotsGirl
    ThePilotsGirl Posts: 30 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm 5'11 and have 110+ plans to loose! My profile says 8 lbs lost, but I'm actually 12.4 lbs down in 40 days being (I switched to a new scale, and the differences in them were high, so I just waited until I reached my last weigh in number ont he new scale to start recording.... if that makes sense lol. Anyway, my goal is HEALTH and I've changed my lifestyle, so I try not to concentrate too much on a number on the scale. The lbs are my gift of healthy living! :) Just glad to find a group of tall ladies! Feel free to add me!
  • mceldows83
    mceldows83 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello. I am Stevie and I am 5'10".

    My Heaviest Weight: 252 lbs.
    My Current Weight: 184 lbs.
    My Next Goal Weight: 170 lbs.
    My Final Goal Weight: Unknown. We will see what weight fit equals. :)

    I am glad that I am focusing on my next goal again. I have been maintaining my current weight for a long time now. It is time to start losing again. :) My progress picture is my profile pic. My heaviest in 2010, October 2011, and Mid June 2012.

    Feel free to friend me. I am always up for meeting new people with similar goals to me. <3
  • mceldows83
    mceldows83 Posts: 14 Member
    This is such a motivating post. I can't weight to hit the 170 mark. Congrats to you!
  • 4my2jays
    4my2jays Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 5' 9
    Starting weight: 255 lbs
    Current Weight: 214.8 lbs (as of 6/24)

    I am so excited and I feel like a totally different person. :) Can't wait for the last 19lbs to come off
  • magicake
    magicake Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I'm new to this site.

    I'm 6'0"
    Starting weight in Jan 2011 was 371
    Current weight 248

    I have before and after pics posted on my page. I don't know how to add them to this discussion thread.

    Let's be friends.

    My next goal is to get into the 100's. Even if that is 199.... The ideal weight for my height is somewhere between 136-180.
    136 seems ridiculous for someone this tall. Who agrees?
  • brewinginspiration
    brewinginspiration Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all! I'm Veronica, I'm 20 years old and 5'11"
    I started MFP back in January and I started my weight-loss journey at around 197 pounds,and currently I'm down to 172 pounds
    I have pictures below from when I was my heaviest and at around 177 pounds, I don't have too many current pictures. It's always nice to meet some tall ladies though! Feel free to add me :)

  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    My next goal is to get into the 100's. Even if that is 199.... The ideal weight for my height is somewhere between 136-180.
    136 seems ridiculous for someone this tall. Who agrees?

    I agree! I'm 6ft 2, and I just want to be 180/190 pounds. I'm about 220 now

    Oh, and some pics in profile if you want to see
  • summyd25
    summyd25 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - yup Tall, real Tall - 6 foot 1 - currently 201. My heaviest was about 245 and goal is 190-195 so I'm almost there. THe hardest part about being soo tall is finding clothes that fit well but as the weight comes off, it definitely gets easier!

    I find the ideal weight ranges for Tall people are not realistic although I guess it all depends on your frame. :tongue:
  • kbryandmore
    kbryandmore Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 6ft. Weigh 176, want to get into the 150s. Bye, bye baby weight!
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Hiya, my 'get into shape' journery began in January

    Jan '12 - 163 lbs
    Joined MFP - 154 lbs
    Current Wieght - 148 lbs

    Now I've lost that weight and feel super fit I'm now re-examining if I want to be this thin after all and recently I've had a couple of negative NSV comments.

    I'm 41 and worry that the 'thiness' ages me, also I worry if I fell ill, I have no weight to fall back on and then worry about the kids and it goes on and on and on and on.....

    Perhaps I should put some weight on but then that feels like I'm going backwards and it goes on and on and on and on.....
  • Hi all:

    Just officially started this week.

    I'm 5'10" and currently 211. My first goal is 170, then we shall see. 145 was my lowest as an adult, but I will be happy when it 'feels' right.

  • agilityvizlsagirl
    agilityvizlsagirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just joined this group.

    I'm 6'1" and currently 194. I was 209 when I started. My goal is 170. My lowest weight as an adult was during my early 20's at 160 - the doctor was concerned and told me to gain (apparently I listed TOO well <g>). I have averaged around the 195 mark most of the time but after my 2 kids I seemed to stay at 210 ish.

    I do find that finding shoes and clothes can be a struggle - there is really only 1 store that I can shop at that carries tall pants so I stick to that.
  • joeyrae78
    joeyrae78 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies -

    I am 5'10 and weigh 186 right now. I gave birth to my 2nd baby 15 months ago at 258. My body fat percentage is at 28 percent and I am wearing a size 10 jeans. I love being tall and muscular, I love that I can weight this much and look awesome in clothes! My goal weight rage is between 165 to 170 with body fat under 25 percent. I am tall and muscular and my idol for tall women who are looking fierce after babies is Laila Ali.

    Cheers -

  • losingit34
    losingit34 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 6'1" and I started at 206 and now weigh 190. Would love to be in the 170's
  • mimsy77
    mimsy77 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I'm 5'11" and hit 205 lbs in late July. I'd like to back to 180 which was my weight in October 2010. Thanks to menopause, those 25 pounds just came on super fast. The extra weight is making my arthritis feel worse. I've managed to get down to 195, but I'm totally stuck now!!!
  • I'm between 5'9 and 5'10.
    Current Weight 165
    GW : 145