The Fat Fast

Firesign Posts: 169 Member
Has anyone done the Atkins Fat Fast? If so how did you do?


  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    I"ve done a modified version of it after a few wild weekends i had where i let my alcohol judgement lead me to believe i could have some carbs and not get addicted again and it worked like a charm each time. within a day or two all carb cravings were gone. I follow the Primal Blueprint diet so i made my fat fast work with those guidelines a bit more but same concept def.
  • cashartle
    cashartle Posts: 6 Member
    5 meals per day / about 200 calories each. Each meal needs to VERY high in fat. Examples are 2 Tbsps of cream cheese, 2egg yolks fried in 1 Tbsp butter, cream cheese muffin, egg salad made with one hard boiled egg and mayo to equal 200 calories, fatty bacon. I did it for three days and dropped 5 pounds but I refused to give up coffee. When you start back to LC you will put back on 1-2 pounds. Much is water weight. Atkins book has guidelines for use and Internet has recipes.