Welcome & Getting Started



  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello all! :)
    I just finished the first cycle and lost 13 pounds. I have opted to not do the full cycles just because it's so hard to stay on top of, and quite expensive when grocery shopping! ((eek))!! I still eat gluten free through the week with healthy cheat snacks on the weekends. I've decided I am going to do the first cycle once every other month just to keep on track. Good luck everyone.
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Welcome tsimmmer & teagardengirl - It's great that you both are stating tomorrow. I've just completed my Day 1 today and looking forward to day 2. As I've said, my focus is today and a plan for tomorrow. Good luck and pot on the weekly topic how you are coming along.

    7bel0 - I'm glad you've joined the group as well. It's great to hear that you've had success and it sounds like you have an approach that will work for you.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hi, I am on day 11 of 17 day diet.
  • clb2_kelowna
    clb2_kelowna Posts: 3 Member
    Woohoo! I'm starting tomorrow and so happy to be doing this challenge with all of you! I'm hoping to lose about 35-40 pounds by setting 5 pound goals. Good luck everyone!
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Good luck clb2_kelowna and welcome.

    suziecue66 - thanks for joining us. There is a group of us that just started this week and many like you that are in Cycle 1.
  • suzziebee
    suzziebee Posts: 14
    Hello to all, so glad to find people that are doing this also. I am just finishing up my 2nd day and so far so good
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Welcome suzziebee! I just completed D2C1 as well. I'm glad you will join us on this journey :)
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm glad to have found another active board for the 17dd. I have belonged to the very active facebook group for a while now, but I'm growing increasingly less fond of facebook, in general. Anyways, I have been doing the 17dd faithfully for 5 months now, and have lost a total of 52 lbs since starting it. I have completed 3 full rounds of cycles 1-3, and just started my 4th round of cycle 1 on Sunday. I have really enjoyed doing this diet and really believe it is the start of a great lifestyle change. I have already noticed changes in my mindset when faced with challenges such as bad days (emotionally). A bit about me...33, no kids, from Canada. I've been overweight/obese pretty much my entire life (well at least since junior high), but I am very determined to make this work and stick. I can't wait to meet the fit and healthy me!

    Happy to be here and happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hi guys you seem like a really nice group!
    I did c1 back in 2011 and lost ten lbs and kept it off, then didn't continue ( why?!? I think because the losses slowed down!) so here I am to lose the next ten. Actually the last ten. Sick of this belly.
    Anyway, I'm here to tell you it works!!!! I'm starting tomorrow June 13
  • jkk424
    jkk424 Posts: 4 Member
    OK- this is what I am already obsessing about- THE WEEKEND! It is so easy to follow during the week. I have an awesome cafeteria at work- my kids like yogurt and fruit for breakfast, my husband doesn't eat a lot of carbs, etc. However, on the weekend, I am not going to lie, I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, bake with my kids etc. 17 days doens't seem very long until you get to the weekend.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The weekend is definitely a challenge. I started the 17 day diet on the weekend which kind of helped as it was day 1 and 2 and I was full of motivation. Just have to accept that is the way it is for 17 days. Make sure to have lots of protein and veggies to eat. Maybe some no alcohol, sugar free drink may help on weekends too so you dont have the wine?
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Hi guys you seem like a really nice group!
    I did c1 back in 2011 and lost ten lbs and kept it off, then didn't continue ( why?!? I think because the losses slowed down!) so here I am to lose the next ten. Actually the last ten. Sick of this belly.
    Anyway, I'm here to tell you it works!!!! I'm starting tomorrow June 13

    Welcome stephanj. Many of us just started cycle 1 and there is a group of others at various stages. Good luck on the next / last 10.
  • Hi everyone, I started this 17DD on June 3rd - Day 13 of C1 today. I had hit a massive plateau just counting calories and needed something new to follow and get results fast . Vacation is looming on 1st August so I should get all 3 cycles in before then. I am 48 I have 2 kids a husband and a dog ( 17 mins exercise is easy with the dog !!) and I'm based in the UK .
    I have found the diet OK however craving sweet things at around 4 pm which sugar free yogurt just doesn't hit the spot so did eat some dark chocolate yesterday . Ive lost 6.5 lbs since 3rd June so happy with that, would love to lose another 3.5 lbs by Tuesday which is the 17th Day!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all
  • Hi, my name is Ashton and I'm on a diet.

    I'm on D3C1 and last night I was really struggling not to go eat a huge plate of pasta and garlic bread so I got online and found this helpful site. I was already using the app on my iPhone to track weight and calories, but now I'm hoping to use the message boards for encouragement or helpful tips.

    My best friend is getting married next month (July 14) and I got my bridesmaids dress in the mail last week. I can't even zip it up! Most embarrassing moment of my life: My super fit and skinny and attractive husband struggling to zip me up in the dress and then the sound of ripping started... So I started working out everyday. And nothing happened.

    Then my mom mailed me her copy of 17DD. I honestly had no intention of doing it, I was just humoring her by browsing through it. Then I realized that this is the biggest I've ever been in my life and I can't even go up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. So I just decided to do it!

    The first two nights were VERY hard for me. I'm a late night snacker! But this morning I got up and I'm down 5.8 lbs! So it's really working! Hopefully I can stick with it - I haven't "slipped up" yet, I've followed the diet perfectly.

    But here comes the weekend...

  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Welcome whitelilly1 and abrellenthin. I'm glad you found our group. It seems that you are both starting to see some success with the diet, so, best of luck. Many of us just started cycle 1 and there is a group of others at various stages. So, please join in the discussion with the other threads.
  • Ashton---Hope your weekend went well..
    late night snacking is hard to beat, I was the same way---this 17DD is kicking my *kitten*--I have to run back up the stairs at the end of the night after I grab my water to avoid it..
    Worst thing, this weekend, my eldest brother had a birthday, his wife brought over cupcakes she made for him...my youngest brother brought home soft chewy choc. chip cookies--major fail!! lol..those are my weaknesses..any kind of snacks/sweets lol.. I have so far been able to get past the temptation.. It's tough work, but when you are able to find other people doing it too it makes it that much more.. after 3 days, I was down 8lbs... I'm waiting til tomorrow morning to see what I'm at after exactly a week just to see if its actually working the way people suggest. Wishing you all the best, and hope you get the success your looking for!! :) I look forward to reading about your success and how awesome you looked in your bridesmaid dress!! :)
    (meant to quote this reply but hit the reply button by mistake lol...oh well)
  • Hi I started cycle 1 today! I have had the book for a while and tried cycle 1 once before, but I failed miserably : ( I have my fridge all stocked up with everything I need. Wish me luck.
  • Good luck! :) Actually I found the strictness of Cycle 1 easier than I'm finding Cycle 2
  • kohardis
    kohardis Posts: 2 Member
    I am planning on starting the 17dd tomorrow. I have a few friends who have been quite successful and I look forward to joining in the success. I have about 10-15 lbs to lose so hopefully this will do the trick. Headed to the grocery store shortly to stock up. I am planning to follow the meal plan in the book to make it easier. Will see how this goes.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    I am planning on starting the 17dd tomorrow. I have a few friends who have been quite successful and I look forward to joining in the success. I have about 10-15 lbs to lose so hopefully this will do the trick. Headed to the grocery store shortly to stock up. I am planning to follow the meal plan in the book to make it easier. Will see how this goes.

    Just keep in mind that the "meal plan" in the book is actually just a guide, and it doesn't contain enough calories for a day. You have to make sure you get a minimum 1200 calories in a day, or you will eventually stall out and probably not have enough energy.