Summer 30 Pound Challenge!! What's your cardio plan?



  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    I am going to run at least 3 days a week, swim on my off days. Additionally, I'm going to start strength training.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    My plan is to finally (hopefully!) complete the C25K program I've started twice before, but never completed due to illness or lack of ambition. (That last one is embarassing!) I'm on week 5 with the program and it's at the kicking my butt stage, but I keep at it. On the days I don't do the C25K, I'm on the elliptical machine at my gym and alternate programs each week, as well as doing intervals on the machine, so my body won't get used to what I'm doing. I just started to use weight machines today in hopes of building more firmness and muscle to help burn the fat off. Last week I exercised 6 days. I want to take a day off to let my body recover.
  • onesaint187
    My plan and hopefully it works, is to run with a weighted vest of 10lbs. Interval training up to 2.5 miles per day
  • eternity365
    eternity365 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, fore those who don't have time to hit gym I found russian health channel that transmits different classes 24/7 Enjoy.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I plan on riding my bike minimum of 30 minutes per day, but goal is to ride 60 minutes per day, for at least 5 days of the week.
  • Ninjamum
    Ninjamum Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to go to Zumba twice a week, cardio and weights at the gym three times a week and get the bike out as well hopefully. Everybody else seems to have really great plans for how to lose the weight and so much more motivated than I thought I was
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    My plan is to do 30 Day Shred and TurboFire every other day. I know it's supposed to be an everyday kind of thing and I will do that eventually but right now I'm just starting out and I'm already sore so I'm giving a day in between where I'll let my body rest and focus on strength training rather than cardio.
  • BleuTree
    BleuTree Posts: 15
    turbo jam 3x a week, muscle building 2x a week
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Monday - Cardio 30 minutes & Upper body
    Tuesday - Cardio 30 minutes & Core/Abdominal
    Wednesday - Cardio 30 minutes & Lower body
    Thursday - Rest day/yoga/light walking
    Friday - Cardio 30 minutes & Upper body
    Saturday - Cardio 30 minutes & Core/Abdominal
    Sunday - Cardio 30 minutes & Lower body

    Something like that(: I'll definitely have to switch it up after a few weeks though
  • drotarthebarbarian
    drotarthebarbarian Posts: 39 Member
    I am working my way up to finishing these MMS conditioning DVDs I have. They are BRUTAL, but the movements are fun and make me feel powerful. Also speed walking 1 mile, 2x a day.

    Found a decent free app, Workout Trainer. Tons of free workouts, different levels. I've only done some strength training with it, but it looks like there are some decent cardiovascular routines.

    Been weighing myself on Fridays, so to officially start the challenge:

    Today's weight: 210 lb
    Sept 4 Goal weight: 180

    Happy moving, gang!
  • jordanlinville
    I normally do the ellipitcal for a min of 45 mins, I'm gonna try to incorperate running, wheather its on the treadmill or outside. My goal is to burn 500 calories in each setting. 3-4times a week.
  • Healthy_Melva
    Healthy_Melva Posts: 91 Member
    I'm working my way through a walking program that is for 52 weeks. I'm on week 8, plus the 4 weeks that I did to get in enough shape to start the program. It includes walking 6 days a week. Each day is a little different amount of time, but all is working towards walking 45 minutes.
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    I joined a four week bootcamp that meets three days a week. I really want 20 pounds gone by the end of summer.