New to the Group

PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
Hello everyone, I am starting my running career again by using the C25k program. I am starting with a few friends on MFP that I have right now. Add me if you like so we can support each other.

I am trying to find a race on to have a goal to shoot for.

Have a nice evening. :)


  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Good luck!!!
  • PMPB7
    PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks. There are quite a few races to choose from, but the big thing is that we live in AZ right now. I miss CO. So, hot weather lasts for a bit. It will be end of Oct. or there is on 11/4.
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Thats good ... I live in Michigan so I have to get one in before the snow flies. Thats I'm shooting for October.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Welcome! I ran my first 5K on June 2. You can do this!!
  • jlynnet
    jlynnet Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, just found this group and had to join. I am down to the last 10lbs before my goal weight and needed a new challenge so my sister and I are training for a 5k. (I've NEVER been a runner, sis only ran when she had to in the military - wish us luck!) we are still on week one but are committed - at least I am, now that I have actually run in public on a public street for the whole world to see and laugh and the world didn't implode!
  • momo3boyz
    momo3boyz Posts: 29
    Completed Week 7 but then went on a week long vacation in the mountains so I didn't get any running in. Going to repeat Week 6 and go on from there so I ease back into it. Want to do a 5K in the fall as well, but having trouble finding one that i can do. Good luck to you all with your races! :)