mudypupy Posts: 52 Member


  • hungrygirl1983
    hungrygirl1983 Posts: 5 Member
    at the moment I am so tired and have like maybe only 25% motivation to exercise today. i am meeting with a personal trainer courtesy of Planet Fitness this evening. I am excited but dreading it at the same time. I know how stupid that sounds, but them's the brakes kiddos. Seriously though, anytime I walk into a gym I feel so intimidated. I'll see people in there that look so much better than me and that annoying voice at the back of my head that's been trained to insult me tells me there's no chance in hell that you'll ever look like that. It's also very intimidating to exercise close to a guys that are total stud muffins. i feel like they're watching me and thinking that I look disgusting. Ther personal trainer is one of those guys that looks like a total stud muffin which is why I'm kind of dreading it. I want to be doing things the right way though and my fiancee will be with me. God, I just hope and pray that I don't start crying tonight. That would be so embarrassing. I think that my goal for the day will be that if I burn more than 500 calories that I will tan and do some red light therapy. I love all the extras that come with my Planet Fitness membership. OK, sorry I'm babbling now. Thanks for listening. :-) ~Emily~
  • phoenix3050
    We all have to start some where. Just think of it bonus eye candy while you work out. :) He gets paid to be there and to help you, so it doesn't matter what he thinks as long as he's doing his job.

    I know it can be intimidating going into a gym when overweight. I find it intimidating just going to the park to do laps. I have found that most people have been supportive when starting a new exercise routine no matter what size they are. They are their to get healthier and so are you. It doesn't matter what other people think., only what you think you need to do to improve your health.

    Have at great time at the gym! Can't wait to hear about it later: :)
  • mudypupy
    mudypupy Posts: 52 Member
    what do you do when your own mother kills your spirit over n over.
    she has issues thinking EVERYONE is commenting on her size (shes only bout 240) because of this she comments to all us girls "if youd only lose a few lbs" n "your so pretty but..." followed by a i just want you to feel good about yourself. like wtf really!!!
    weve gotten used to this....mostly ignore her.
    just yesterday i was still gleaming from finding out i had lost 23 lbs since my bby birth 4mo ago and having the bouncer from where i used to work give me a wonderful comment "where the rest of you go" i go see her cuz my dad havin surgery today and one of her first comments is "its been long enuf you better start watching what you eat your gaining quite little bit"
    . omg i didn know what to do... i almost teared up but it turned to anger and said " i have lost over a hundred lbs in 3 years. i had a child only 3 months ago...i only gained 17 lbs...i lost 19 giving birth and 23 since. im done with your comments!" and left

    i don know what to do or how to feel now...that crushed me.
  • hungrygirl1983
    hungrygirl1983 Posts: 5 Member
    I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one who has issues with their mommy. Mine would ride me about my weight every once in awhile (especially considering that she had no right to say anything seeing as how she was overweight too), but she was all hard core on wearing make up and fixing my hair. She'd say things like "You're such a pretty girl, but you'd look even better if you wore makeup and fixed your hair." It's always made me feel like screaming at her and asking her when I would finally be good enough for her. My mom and I had always had an extremely unhealthy relationship, we never got a long. I finally made the choice to just give up and stop talking to her. All that I ever got was negative feedback, never any moral support or encouragement. I can totally understand how it would crush you, because it was the same for me.

    As far as the trainer went, yes he was an Adonis. He smelled really nice too. I tried not to look too googley eyed seeing as how my fiancee was standing next to me. He had a really nice tush too. Anyway, now that I'm done drooling, he showed us how to use some of the machines and the different exercises that we could do on them. (I will admit that some of these look like I'd go to bed that evening and wake up in complete and total agony.) Anyways, gotta run. I gotta get work done even though I so don't want to. LOL! :-D
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    I have absolutely no energy to work out. I say that I will, I set the alarm clock but I am so tired that I wait until the last minute to get out of bed. Tuesday is my last official day of work for the summer. So maybe I will get moving. I spend my free time on the couch relaxing with my son or on the computer doing homework. I tutor 5 days a week and am in church for 4. I have no time for myself and when I do, I just don't want to be bothered.
  • hungrygirl1983
    hungrygirl1983 Posts: 5 Member
    i can completely understand!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really greatful to have access to a fitness center right across the street here at work. I go over there on my lunch break and use the treadmill. How old is your son? Maybe to get moving around you could go with him to the park or to a zoo. You just have to stay motivated and to be successful, in my opinion, is that you have to want this for yourself and not to be doing it for anyone else. I wish you all the best on your journey! :-D
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    Went to the gym yesterday and felt wonderful. I kinda aquired another son. A football team mate of my son's and we all went with my room mate and I met this guy who told me that the personal trainers at the base are free even if I am not military and until I meet with one of them he would help me and my boyz. We all have different goals because of what we want. I want to lose weight and not have flabby skin. My biological he wants to get cut and gain speed for his position.And my othe son want to gain stregnth and turn his fat into more muscle. So we have made a committment to each other to do this together. I joined some 30 pound challenge for summer by September and they are going to hold me accountable. Thank you it is alot better than us sitting on the couch and we still can do that. :happy: