Monday, June 11th - Sunday, June 18th



  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    doggone it!! posted in the wrong place AGAIN!:sad: Let's try this again:laugh:

    Well 9 days in to C1 and I finally got my book today!!! (I got it on Amazon for 1.49 and it is a hardcover and in perfect shape.. It will be interesting to see how incorrectly I am doing this program LOL! On the plus side 9 days of letting go of carbs is good no matter how you look at it right? I also had a day of falling, but decided rather than starting over again, I will just go forward. I am assuming I will be doing C1 a few times as I have about 40 lbs to lose. But so far, it is really great. I love being able to have yogurt and fruit. I hope everyone is having a good day!
    p.s. I was soooo hungry today, then finally had a salad with shrimp and I finally feel satisfied......not full......don't feel full on this plan......but satisfied is much better!

    Don't worry if you slip a little...but DO go on to C2 then C3...if you are not at your goal weight by the end of the first full set of 3 cycles THEN start at C1 again. C1 is pretty low in carbs and your body will need the other foods, the C1 is to detox all the really bad stuff like our sugar (simple carb) 'addictions' :-)

    yup I will continue to move on to the next stage and I am quite sure I will be doing C1 again and again....I have a ways to go. My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by August however. We are having a family reunion and I do not want to look at pictures of me and cringe anymore. So I am motivated. And hopeful! Good luck!!:flowerforyou:

    Well I think you look fantasic now, so just think how great you'll look 20 lbs lighter! For me, I do want to look good on the outside for sure, but also love that I am already feeling SO much better on the inside.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone. It's Day 3 Cycle 1...and it was hard because I was so busy with work and a family emergency. I never had time for my second serving of yogurt and fruit, so instead of eating too late (cuz it was after 4 when I realized it), I decided not to have it at all. I also find that I still have tea left in my cup when I'm about to eat my next, I need to get better at drinking it right away. I'm actually having my evening tea now - 4 hours after my dinner because I was somewhere I couldn't make any. And, even though it's almost 11, I need to jump on the elliptical for a short workout because I've had no time till now - URGH!

    Anyhow, I wanted to check in to hold my self accountable for trying to fix things tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Trish, there's no limit on how late you can eat your yogurt. I often have my second serving within an hour of bed. It's just the 2nd fruit that you are supposed to have 8 hours before bed. If you're hungry, eat!
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone. It's Day 3 Cycle 1...and it was hard because I was so busy with work and a family emergency. I never had time for my second serving of yogurt and fruit, so instead of eating too late (cuz it was after 4 when I realized it), I decided not to have it at all. I also find that I still have tea left in my cup when I'm about to eat my next, I need to get better at drinking it right away. I'm actually having my evening tea now - 4 hours after my dinner because I was somewhere I couldn't make any. And, even though it's almost 11, I need to jump on the elliptical for a short workout because I've had no time till now - URGH!

    Anyhow, I wanted to check in to hold my self accountable for trying to fix things tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well.

    You're doing AWESOME! It's only day three and if you're like me, some of these changes are pretty drastic compared to my old habits! I have eaten my fruit later in the day if I missed it earlier. I figure I'd rather do that then get too hungry later or the next day and binge on something really bad. Is yogurt not okay later (or maybe you just didn't feel like it by then)? I eat yogurt late some times.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello to all
    I am just winding down day 3 on C1
    today was a struggle but I made it
    desserts brought in at work, group ordered out chinese and then there was beer at the baseball game - but I resisted and stuck to my water and home to eat some eggs and sausage - how is everybody doing
    still struggling to keep my calories up - once I post my calories and exercise for the day I am very very low - any suggestions


    Without seeing your diary, here are some broad suggestions for upping your calories. Unsalted almonds or other nuts, a small amount of cheese, protein shakes, or an extra serving of lean protein. Hope this helps!
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Day 3! Woohoo! Did pretty good today, but what I am most pleased about is that I finally, FINALLY have my head in the game so to speak. I know you always hear that you have to be mentally ready to lose weight. I thought I was many times, I wanted to be smaller and fitter. But this week is very different. I KNOW I want it. And I want it for the right health and not only for what I see looking back at me in the mirror. Don't get me wrong...I want to have a fabulous fit body, but for once I truly 100% want the health benefit of eating well and losing weight. I am making a change and this will be a lifestyle change forever...not a quick fix for a few weeks then going back to the old ways.

    Cheers (raising mug of green tea to you all) !! :drinker:
  • theresamcd2
    theresamcd2 Posts: 31 Member
    HI All.. Day 3 on C1 for mwa...Funny! I am actually liking the feeling of being a little hungry. It is empowering, knowing i am not caving to my every little hunger pang.
    It is getting tough for me .. I am a grazer.. I eat all day .. I have 30 pounds to loose. Already started to to see the scale go down a bit.. Almost slipped after dinner. My daughter was making a homemade cherry pie. smelled so good..I made a cup of tea and popped a piece of gum.. That has helped me with my sweet cravings and also my routine of grazing.. lol
    Today I was just a tad over my calories. Not sure if i am doing everything correctly, still waiting for my book.
    Breakfast 2 poached eggs
    green tea

    Snack Ciobani Greek vanilla yougurt had no plain in the fridge.

    Lunch red grapes, salmon, carrots, sugar snap peas, green tea

    Dinner cabbage lasagna.. Thanks for posting. Was delish! My portion may have been a bit bigger than I should but I was so hungry! Green tea, Water with lemon

    going to bed hungry! ugh..GOd HElp Me..
  • theresamcd2
    theresamcd2 Posts: 31 Member
    OH I walked today too....1 hour after dinner..
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    So, YES, I did 25 min of cardio at 11pm tonight. I need to keep in mind for the future...that it's never too late to get my daily exercise in.

    Trish, there's no limit on how late you can eat your yogurt. I often have my second serving within an hour of bed. It's just the 2nd fruit that you are supposed to have 8 hours before bed. If you're hungry, eat!

    rayne78 - This is good to know. I already gave my book to someone so wasn't able to check. From now on I will probably save my yogurt for the late evening / afternoon.

    Lesvel - Thanks for the words of encouragement. It looks like you are doing good also. To you point, it's not just about the food...but a change in attitude to make that lifestyle, Congrats to you for having your head in the game. Cheers to you as well - I'm still drinking this damn green tee :)

    And, thanks to everyone's participation in this group. It's so unlike me to create this group, recruit others to join in and continue to post. I'm so happy that I've found this support. Good luck and good night to all...
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Thank you Trish for creating it!
  • theresamcd2
    theresamcd2 Posts: 31 Member
    So, YES, I did 25 min of cardio at 11pm tonight. I need to keep in mind for the future...that it's never too late to get my daily exercise in.

    Wow Trish, I die at that time at night.. Good for you. that is called dedication..Maybe I should consider it if I have a tough time getting in my exercise. HA

    Thanks Everyone for being here.. IT such a big help..
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    HI All.. Day 3 on C1 for mwa...Funny! I am actually liking the feeling of being a little hungry. It is empowering, knowing i am not caving to my every little hunger pang.
    It is getting tough for me .. I am a grazer.. I eat all day .. I have 30 pounds to loose. Already started to to see the scale go down a bit.. Almost slipped after dinner. My daughter was making a homemade cherry pie. smelled so good..I made a cup of tea and popped a piece of gum.. That has helped me with my sweet cravings and also my routine of grazing.. lol
    Today I was just a tad over my calories. Not sure if i am doing everything correctly, still waiting for my book.
    Breakfast 2 poached eggs
    green tea

    Snack Ciobani Greek vanilla yougurt had no plain in the fridge.

    Lunch red grapes, salmon, carrots, sugar snap peas, green tea

    Dinner cabbage lasagna.. Thanks for posting. Was delish! My portion may have been a bit bigger than I should but I was so hungry! Green tea, Water with lemon

    going to bed hungry! ugh..GOd HElp Me..

    Good work Theresa! On your food and exercise. Don't be afraid to EAT! I know it may seem strange to eat more, but the foods are super healthy. If you let yourself get too hungry it's harder to stick to it. I agree with you that a little hunger is okay...see "Dr. Mike's" notes on hunger/full meter in the book.
  • Lesvel
    Lesvel Posts: 37 Member
    Day 4 for many of us today!! Less than two weeks until we move on to phase 2 and add some carbs back in...personally cannot wait for some quinoa.

    How's everyone doing? Any insights, challenges, strategies for today...and the (YIKES) coming weekend?

    What's everyone doing for exercise?

    I was getting back to some running and doing a 5k clinic...did 2 10k runs and then pulled a calf muscle...poo! That was a week ago and still not able to get back to the cardio, but could get out for a walk today weather permitting. Hoping to get back to aerobics and running in another week. I have weights at home so I can still do strenth training thankfully.
  • trishDC
    trishDC Posts: 51
    Day 4 for many of us today!! Less than two weeks until we move on to phase 2 and add some carbs back in...personally cannot wait for some quinoa.

    How's everyone doing? Any insights, challenges, strategies for today...and the (YIKES) coming weekend?

    Yup, instead of thinking it's only Day 4 of Cycle 1, maybe I should maybe count backwards instead. It's only 13 more days till the Cycle 2 when we get more food options. To be honest...I'm wanting to have a glass of wine then, even-though I'm supposed to wait till cycle 3. The food part is much easier than not indulging in a social drink here and there...not that I drink a lot, but that I'm quite social...and this week I've stayed away from most activities/events due to that temptation. Like this Sunday, I'm taking my parents wine tasting and a picnic for Fathers Day...and, I can't believe I won't be able to join in on the tastings.

    So, I'm worried about this weekend. My goal is to plan my foods to hopefully make it easier. For instance, I have a dinner one night, so I've already looked at the menus ahead of time so I know what to order.

    New strategy - I've started carrying green tea bags in my purse so no excuse when I'm out. And, I've brought along baby carrots with me. Does anyone else have any ideas what to keep in one's purse - or snacks to carry out.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    doggone it!! posted in the wrong place AGAIN!:sad: Let's try this again:laugh:

    Well 9 days in to C1 and I finally got my book today!!! (I got it on Amazon for 1.49 and it is a hardcover and in perfect shape.. It will be interesting to see how incorrectly I am doing this program LOL! On the plus side 9 days of letting go of carbs is good no matter how you look at it right? I also had a day of falling, but decided rather than starting over again, I will just go forward. I am assuming I will be doing C1 a few times as I have about 40 lbs to lose. But so far, it is really great. I love being able to have yogurt and fruit. I hope everyone is having a good day!
    p.s. I was soooo hungry today, then finally had a salad with shrimp and I finally feel satisfied......not full......don't feel full on this plan......but satisfied is much better!

    Don't worry if you slip a little...but DO go on to C2 then C3...if you are not at your goal weight by the end of the first full set of 3 cycles THEN start at C1 again. C1 is pretty low in carbs and your body will need the other foods, the C1 is to detox all the really bad stuff like our sugar (simple carb) 'addictions' :-)

    yup I will continue to move on to the next stage and I am quite sure I will be doing C1 again and again....I have a ways to go. My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by August however. We are having a family reunion and I do not want to look at pictures of me and cringe anymore. So I am motivated. And hopeful! Good luck!!:flowerforyou:

    Well I think you look fantasic now, so just think how great you'll look 20 lbs lighter! For me, I do want to look good on the outside for sure, but also love that I am already feeling SO much better on the inside.

    awwww you are sooooo sweet! Yes being healthy is where I am at too. I have high cholesterol......and want to bring it down with exercise and diet.......not pills:ohwell: TOGETHER we will do this!!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hi everyone. It's Day 3 Cycle 1...and it was hard because I was so busy with work and a family emergency. I never had time for my second serving of yogurt and fruit, so instead of eating too late (cuz it was after 4 when I realized it), I decided not to have it at all. I also find that I still have tea left in my cup when I'm about to eat my next, I need to get better at drinking it right away. I'm actually having my evening tea now - 4 hours after my dinner because I was somewhere I couldn't make any. And, even though it's almost 11, I need to jump on the elliptical for a short workout because I've had no time till now - URGH!

    Anyhow, I wanted to check in to hold my self accountable for trying to fix things tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well.

    wow soooooo much on your plate.......yet you continue to persist!! So proud of you. Take gentle care too dear:heart:
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hello to all
    I am just winding down day 3 on C1
    today was a struggle but I made it
    desserts brought in at work, group ordered out chinese and then there was beer at the baseball game - but I resisted and stuck to my water and home to eat some eggs and sausage - how is everybody doing
    still struggling to keep my calories up - once I post my calories and exercise for the day I am very very low - any suggestions

    wow! YOU makde it through alot of very difficult obstacles!! Very inspiring! Are you eating your oils? 2 T would be an extra 200 calories....... Or could you have a handful of almonds?
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Day 3! Woohoo! Did pretty good today, but what I am most pleased about is that I finally, FINALLY have my head in the game so to speak. I know you always hear that you have to be mentally ready to lose weight. I thought I was many times, I wanted to be smaller and fitter. But this week is very different. I KNOW I want it. And I want it for the right health and not only for what I see looking back at me in the mirror. Don't get me wrong...I want to have a fabulous fit body, but for once I truly 100% want the health benefit of eating well and losing weight. I am making a change and this will be a lifestyle change forever...not a quick fix for a few weeks then going back to the old ways.

    Cheers (raising mug of green tea to you all) !! :drinker:

    You are soooooo inspiring! I LOVE these words! I feel this way too! Yes looking good is great.............but being healthy......feeling strong.......feeling hopeful........feeling GOOD is even better!!! WE will do it!! Cheers to you too dear!:love:
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Just want to say I LOVE my 17dd group friends!! You truly inspire me and make me want to do this more every day!!!! :heart: :love: :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ladies you are all doing really well. Its great to have this support.
    I am on day 14 of C1, looking forward to cycle 2.
    Yesterday I planned to have protein powder and yoghurt for meal 6 and pre-journalled it BUT instead had a bowl of potatoes and spoonful of nutella. Not good, but I'll just keep going, its not the end of the world.
    Still waiting on TOM - he is a bit late. Thought he was coming but false alarm. I am 45 so my cycle could be be going from a perfect 28 day cycle which I constantly had to 35 days or more?
  • suzziebee
    suzziebee Posts: 14
    I met my food today - so excited, I have a ton of food allergies so no oils and no nuts for me