Finding it hard to meet my Calories on Paleo. Not losing.



    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks all! I'm committed to doing this for a month (we allow 1 'cheat' meal/week - in the past, I've found that mixing up my calories really helps so one high day works for me).

    Tonight - Pork and veggies!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I like to double portions on my proteins usually. Also my vegetable portions are pretty obscene (which doesn't account for a lot of extra calories, but every little bit helps)

    As far as the nut butters, you can use them to dip vegetables in, or spread it on a celery stalk for your snacks between meals. Nuts like almonds are a good source for extra calories. Are you just trying to maintain or gain weight?

    look for recipes for bread made from almond flour or coconut flour...they are out there. Banana Pancakes (almond flour) are delicious too.

    You might just need to eat more. One trick is to cook more than what you need sometimes...leave it in the refrigerator instead of freezing it or whatever. This makes me eat more because I don't want to waste it, and end up eating it so that it doesn't go bad. good luck!

    I'm actually looking to LOSE weight, but if I can't net at least 1400 calories/day, I'll gain or maintain. I heard many folks lost like 10lbs in their first week of Paleo, so I was really excited to get on the wagon and give it a go (not to mention LOVE the low-carbon footprint, locally grown concepts behind it). My first week wasn't that productive (as noted by my weight loss badge - down 1lb). Then again, I was already a low sodium/processed foods eater.

    I do cook with grape seed oil and olive oil, but I don't have time of cook for every meal. I guess a prep day is needed. I eat an obscene amount of salad and steamed veggies. And a couple of avocados/week.

    You've probably heard a few of us say that this 'isn't a diet, it's a way of life'. I have had much less adjustment to eating foods that work for my body and feel more challenged in changing the way I think, plan and structure living.

    Many of us have been brainwashed not to eat enough fat. If you're avoiding dairy, (I'm not, grass fed heavy whipping cream/butter plus some cheeses work for my body), I would encourage you to experiment with coconut cream. Aroy-D is free of additives. Also coconut oil blended into hot beverages or soups with an immersion blender are my salvation as emulsification changes the flavor. To emphasize compassionate pork/bacon, pastured chicken with the fat and skin, bone broths and rich, Paleo sauces made with animal fats.

    Please make certain that you're eating enough protein and that you're clear of any eating disorder type issues. I lost a good friend in college to anorexia, serious stuff.

    I eat around 2000-3000 calories per day and have no problem shedding extra fat at a slow and steady rate. My brain as well as my body also functions at a higher level than it ever did before this WOL.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Just went back and read some more of the responses to you. Didn't realize you had issues with cholesterol. Mine was SKY HIGH, the good was low, the bad was very high. Took over a year because I already have hypothyroidism and adrenal issues but now my cholesterol is awesome. Good is up, bad is way down. I've been eating Paleo/Primal for 15 months now and got great numbers back in the Fall at around the 7 month mark.

    Don't take our word for it, go over to Mark's Daily Apple, Underground Wellness, The Paleo Solution and other websites that you trust and do your own research. Put high cholesterol concern in the search engines and read people's scanned in, lab results. Science is science. If other women of your age and ethnic background have improved cholesterol, it may be worth your time to eat a LOT more fat, especially Avocados, Coconut Oil, etc. If you are free of any auto immune concerns, eat all the eggs you like. I am lucky in that despite my hypothyroid issues, I can tolerate an unlimited supply of eggs.
  • desertdutchman
    desertdutchman Posts: 14 Member
    I'm finding the opposite to be true...I'm eating enough calories, and it's sometimes difficult to manage how many calories I consume. I'm still not loosing any weight and my diet consists of mostly protein and fat with carbs coming from veggies and an occasional bar or Paleo baked good such as Paleo plan muffin. I feel better, but my pants aren't any looser! Quite frusterating, especially when my husband has dropped 10 lbs and cheats all the time!

    This is my story, too. I lost 25 pounds in 5 months, but for the past 8 months I haven't lost anything.

    HOWEVER. I do a daily weigh in on my Withings scale and in the past 8 months of Primal (including building up to 4 miles/day walking) my percentage of body fat has dropped from 33% to 21%. I've lost 4 inches off my waist -- and yet not lost the weight. But I feel great. I'm going to keep trying to loose another 15 pounds. It may take two years. It will be worth it.

    My advice -- hang in there.