


  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    My mom calls me sasquach, lol. -__- She knows I hate it, but still regularly calls me it. It's so annoying.

    Also, since i'm overweight and tall and have pretty big boobs, my friends in highschool used to call me Boobree. (My name is aubree haha)
    I moved, and still to this day they call me boobree. Not sure how I feel about that one.

    Amptitude, you say you are not sure how you feel about that nickname, but I'm pretty sure I know how you feel - and I would feel the same. If you don't mind a little encouragement from a 70-yr-old, I say that your best defense is a good offense. Be successful in your weight loss. Work hard on your dreams and be successful in your chosen profession. Do this and you will leave all those old high school friends in the dust.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    I've been called most of the above names and I don't particularly like any of them. Jolly Green Giant is what everyone called me in HS and I hated that the most. To be honest I think that any nicknames that have to do with ones appearance are insensitive, people will always try to find your weak spot so I never let anyone know that the names bothered me. When I was 15 my family went on a holiday to Anguilla in the Carribean where most of the islanders are of average height. It was a small island and the islanders all knew each other and they didn't get many tourists at the time. One of the bartenders started calling us "The Massive Family" (dad is 6'3", brother is 6'4", mom is 5'9", and I'm 6'0"), pretty soon everyone on the island were calling us that!
  • katevicks
    katevicks Posts: 5 Member
    giraffe was a stand out in primary school for me! also got "vickery ****ery dock the mouse ran up the clock "because my sir names vickery.. and i also have enormous boobs so i got mammary from a few of my high school boyfriends smart *kitten* mates!

    whos the jolly green giant? im aussie so maybe its a USA thing??
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    In college I was called STAB (as was every girl who was smart, tall, athletic, brunette). That one I didn't mind as much.

    I was called Jolly Green Giant all of grade school and high school. I have been 6ft since 6th grade.

    I am in a slightly different situation with my family. I am the I am called shorty. My brothers are 6'8 and 6'5. My mom is 6'1 and my dad is 6'4. So I really am the shortest in the family.
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member

    whos the jolly green giant? im aussie so maybe its a USA thing??

    The Jolly Green Giant is the mascot of the Green Giant veggie company. He is/was in commercials etc.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    A friend just told me last night I had "Sasquatch" hands because they are so big. No bueno, short friend. Thanks for the compliment.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Jolly Green Giant was my least favoritte and I hated everyone thinking I was a teacher when I went to a new school.
  • samakain
    samakain Posts: 60
    Junior High was the worst 3 years of my life. Not only was I taller than most of the other kids but I was also overweight. Kids called me 4x4 (four by four) and Big Little (big person, little head?). I think I cried every day after school.
    The summer before I started high school (grade 10), I went on a crash diet and lost 40lbs. When I started high school in the Fall I got so many compliments but I was still really insecure and hid under baggy clothes. I spent most of high school alternating between barely eating and over exercising to maintain and trying to lose more. So sad :(
  • longbird
    longbird Posts: 48 Member
    I also hate it when people ask if I play basketball...
    My dad taught me to say "No, do you play miniature golf?" hahaha

    Genius! I'm nicking that ;-)

    A cockney acquaintance referred to me as 'that long bird' a few times (long=tall, bird=girl). I loved it and have used it as my self-imposed nickname ever since.

    I grew up in Milton Keynes where my height was not that unusual, so the bullies found other things to call me. Now though I live in Glasgow, where I am an Amazon and the wee men gaze up in's hilarious :-)