Week 3 starts tomorrow

How is everyone doing?? Anyone have questions?? Diet questions?? Questions in general :)


  • Morning,

    I'm almost finished with week 3 of Insanity. After reviewing other forum discussions concerning Insanity workouts and caloric intake, I realized that I was not taking in enough calories. I was in the ballpark of 1300 or so a day. I'm hoping that uping my caloric intake will help me fuel me through the workouts.

    I do have a question. Usually, I do the workouts first thing in the morning (about 15 minutes after I wake up) and only drink water before doing so. I feel a weak by the end of the workout, so I'm wondering if I should eat or drink something more substantial before the workout?

    I have tried to eat a piece of small fruit or drink a fruit smoothie before working out, but then my stomach starts to feel horrible about 15 minutes into it. I figure it's because my body is focusing on digestion.

    What should I do? I prefer to workout in the morning because it gives me great energy throughout the day and I don't always have time to workout in the evenings. Suggestions?
  • Totally can relate - I hate working out and eating before - I can feel the sloshing in my stomach and I get cramps - maybe try and eat an egg for protein or a glass of low fat chocolate milk - carb/protein balance - the milk is good post workout too.

    You could wake up a little earlier and maybe eat a little oatmeal so you have something in your stomach let it sit for 45 min and then try to workout.

    I had a low calorie intake as well - I don't think MFP is always accurate because something like Insanity especially in the 2 month you are going to need more energy and have a caloric increase.
  • Thanks for the advice! I did some research online and came to the same conclusion when it comes to eating before a morning workout. I think I'm going to try a fresh fruit smoothie with a smidget of protein (5g) about 1 hour before and then work up to solid fruit for month 2.

    I agree with you concerning MFP's recommended calorie intake. Currently, the calories that I need are set as my net calories. It doesn't look like I can set the calories in number; only the net calories number can be set, I belive. So I'm just watching the calories in number and when that hits the amount that I need, I stop. Against my insanity workout outs, my net ends up at 1200 and I don't eat any of the calories earned back. With my net calories set at 1200, it would look like I was "eating back" my earned calories just to hit my calories in goal. Weird, I know. But I think I've got it down.