Saturday 16th - feeding the kids

KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
Bit disappointed that so few members are posting as it I'd love to heat how you are getting on. After yesterday's disaster I am determined to make today a good eating/exercise day.

I see that like me, many of you have children. To what extent do you and the kids eat the same food? How do you cope with the snacks they want being in the house? Kate


  • babypinky8489
    babypinky8489 Posts: 22 Member
    Thats a problem that im dealing with too with my two kids, its so hard being that i feed them. My daughter is a Mcdonalds person always asking for a happy meal, eating sweets and cookies. Its definitly hard but you dont have to deprive yourself from it . Like when my daughter eats cookies or something, i usually take one and thats it. So what i do is, i eat what they eat, just in smaller portions. :happy:
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Good advice babypinkie. I think its important that we eat the same too - its role modelling eating normal food isnt it? Plus about once a month we go to McDonalds or spend the odd evening eating crisps and chocolate. Life would be so dull otherwise Dont want her growing up thinking she has to live on weird stuff out of packets from health food shops and never touch fast food. I think its about balance. Plus I'm a single Mum so wouldnt want to be cooking 2 different meals for me and her.

    My daughter is 13 and eats 24/7 at the moment. Like I said, we tend to eat the same things but I will have more veg and protein and I'll give her more carbs. Tonight we had chinese chicken thighs, baked sweet potato and carrots and green beans. I gave her the biggest sweet potato adn I had more veg. She finished off the big box of Maltezers and I amazingly didnt have one. (still feeling bad about the number I ate last night!) Had a glass of diet coke to get rid of my sweet cravings.

    Had a good day today exercise-wise. Did 1.5 hours of taekwondo and 1 hour walking the dog (with my daughter which was nice) so have burned off the excess 700 calories I had yesterday. Seems to be sport on every channel so watching a rerun of Britains got Talent drinking diet coke. Its 8.45pm now so feel confident I wont have any mishaps before I go to bed. Good luck!