new runner...well some call it a jog lmao

missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
hi everyone! so i use to be very athletic and now well thats a different story. im getting back into my old ways, i use to run a lot!. i had no formal training, just did it alone. i have been doing intervals of 2 minutes running, 1 walking to help gain some endurance i guess. where can i learn to coach myself. i do not have the money or time to join a clinic, i would much rather power through on my own or with some online support!


  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    Your story sounds similar to mine except I wasn't a runner in the past. In February I started running and now I try to run 5 days a week. I haven't used a coach. I read a lot about form, training programs, shoes, etc. My two favorite websites after MFP are and! I can do my easy reading/research on runnersworld and track my milage on mapmyrun. I run all by my lonesome 99% of the time. There are other runner websites as well that can help with a training schedule that can help build up your mileage then after that you can add hills, temp runs etc.

    Keep up the running!
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    Well, try C25K program. You will find it online (free) and many free apps (if you have a smartphone).
    I could never believe that I could do a 5k run (yeah jog @ 8kmph :D) but this program has helped me immensely. Give it a go, I would say.
  • lstd
    lstd Posts: 40
    I used the couch to 5k app and now have went to the 10k for pink.. I love that I have interval training.. keeps me at a challenge! I guess I like to be told when to run and walk... lol