Calling all Geek Girls - Help!



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Where do you play? Everywhere
    What do you read? Local and Regional newspaper, books, lots and lots of books, new ones, old ones, horror, sci-fi, erotica, whatever strikes my mood
    How do you spend your money? I have 3 kids...I don't have any money anymore...
    What do you drink? Almond milk, and pumpkin ale!
    What nutrition works for you? Mostly Vegan!
    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? No, it's built around my migraine triggers, and I'm much more inclined to trust ancient herbal remedies than cutting edge science.
    Where do you live? Bumpass, VA, USA
    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? Married
    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? 3
    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? No, it was the orgasms that did it.
    What is your favorite online resource? Google
    What do you do to relax? Yoga, hot bath, gardening
    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? whatever catches my interest
    What gadgets rock your world? Not a gadget geek
    What car do you drive? PT Cruiser
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Where do you play? water, when I can. Mostly inside my brain
    What do you read? omnivorously, heavy sff
    How do you spend your money? eating out
    What do you drink? homebrewed beer
    What nutrition works for you? MFP model of counting both calories in and calories out
    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? No, except for the MFP part
    Where do you live? close-in DC suburbs
    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? married
    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? 2
    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? hell no. I was afraid I used up all the good genes on the first one; the second one just had different good genes.
    What is your favorite online resource? Google reader
    What do you do to relax? read, garden, dance
    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? none. Play clothes at target; work clothes from the late lamented Filenes Basement.
    What gadgets rock your world? android smartphone, macbook; chromebook; ipod
    What car do you drive? none. walk, bicycle, and subway
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Where do you play? Home office.
    What do you read? Fantasy and paranormal romance.
    How do you spend your money? Books, computer games, and cross stitch materials.
    What do you drink? Water and Crystal Light.
    What nutrition works for you? High protein, somewhat low carb.
    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? Not really, though I like being informed.
    Where do you live? Bastrop, Texas, close to Austin.
    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? Married.
    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? Yes, one.
    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? Yes, I chose a highly intelligent mate.
    What is your favorite online resource? MFP.
    What do you do to relax? Reading or stitching.
    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? None.
    What gadgets rock your world? Craft gadgets. Not really much of a techie.
    What car do you drive? Dodge Charger (temporarily).
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    Where do you play? Don't you mean where don't I play? In fact scratch that fun is not restrcted by location, home, park supermarket life is about play.

    What do you read? Books, magazines, ohhh you mean what type? You mean I have to chose I want them all if I don't like a particular book I stop reading.

    How do you spend your money? Mortgage, food, electric, phone, wool, fabric, drawing pencils, alcohol not neccissarily in that order.

    What do you drink? Coffee never tea black no sugar, squash, juice, water, alcohol, never milk yeuch.

    What nutrition works for you? Food as much variety as possible, preferably vegitarian but love chicken and tuna.

    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? Callories in v callories out, that will be a no then.

    Where do you live? Lincolnshire uk.

    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? Married, 12 years chated him up on the back of a bus, he was the cutest thing I have ever seen, still is (no not a school thing I was 27 he was 32 lol).

    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? Yes, four two girl two boys.

    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? He is an asthmatic highly alergic short (in hight) manual worker, so nope unless you count the pure chemistry.

    What is your favorite online resource? MFP.

    What do you do to relax? Knitting, sewing, reading, surfing the web, drinking alcohol.

    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? Lol I don't even do brands in the supermarket let alone my clothes.

    What gadgets rock your world? My iPad is my baby, the laptop a close second or would that be my iPod

    What car do you drive? Citrone xzara piccasso, proper family car compleat with dents and scratches and a bucket of sand in the boot!!! Kids lol
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Where do you play? At home.
    What do you read? I read lots of fantasy, and mythology books
    How do you spend your money? It usually gets spent on books, shooting, or new hiking gear.
    What do you drink? Mostly water, but lately I'm really enjoying my coffee.
    What nutrition works for you? Stick to 1200 calories, make the most of them.
    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? Nah. From what I can tell, it's pretty basic stuff
    Where do you live? With my mother until I find an apartment that I like.
    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? In a long distance relationship.
    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? No. I'm only 21! I have goals to hit before that. xD
    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? The plan is to stick with this guy, because he has excellent genes. We're gonna have some stunning kids. xD
    What is your favorite online resource? Google.
    What do you do to relax? Raids. Reading. Sleeping.
    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? None. Do I like it? Yes? Does it look nice? Yes? Is it in my price range? Yes? Good. Where's the checkout.
    What gadgets rock your world? My Samsung Nexus S. My whole world is in that thing.
    What car do you drive? A bus. I even have my own chauffeur.
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    Where do you play? home
    What do you read? romance novels and self-help books (mainly on finance)
    How do you spend your money? on books, clothes, and organic food
    What do you drink? water
    What nutrition works for you? i love organic, locally grown foods
    Is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? yea i guess..
    Where do you live? :X
    Are you single, married, otherwise connected? single
    Do you, as a Geek Girls have kids? no
    If so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? n/a
    What is your favorite online resource? anything involving shopping
    What do you do to relax? read
    What brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? i don't pay attention to brands
    What gadgets rock your world? my phone
    What car do you drive? neon
  • jen67211
    jen67211 Posts: 11
    Where do you play? my room
    what do you read? Fantasy and car mags.
    how do you spend your money? Like I found a money glitch in "life".
    what do you drink? Blue moon, black coffee, water.
    what nutrition works for you? convenient foods, but i'm looking for more healthy food.
    is your health and fitness plan built from cutting edge science? I'd rather not say.
    where do you live? AZ
    are you single, married, otherwise connected? SINGLE.
    do you, as a geek girl have kids? do nieces count I helped raise?
    if so, did science affect your choice of DNA gathering? no...weird question though!
    what is your favorite online resource? I do love craigslist.
    what do you do to relax? watch movies or sit down and enjoy the melodies of OFFSPRING!
    what brand of clothing (if any) is important to you? I'm partial to lee and jinx.
    what gadgets rock your world? Xbox and my Asus Transformer.
    what car do you drive? 350z