Need some motivation please:)

So I barely made it through 5 and 6. Started and stopped for three weeks and only did each workout once a week. Just couldnt get it together. But as far as push ups go, I have never made it off my knees. I completely modified just about every exercise in 5 and some of 6. So when I just tried to do 7 I stopped after the first half of circuit one. I wanted to cry. It's so difficult even with the modifications. I hate the thought of starting the whole program over but I was thinking. Maybe I should do 30d shred or something. Get motivated again. Try to get some strength and then begin all over again. Or do I just keep plugging through. I am not seeing great changes as it is but my eating has been not great so that's on me. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Im lost and discourages :(


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Aw hun, hang in there! Would it help if you slowed down the acceleration of the program a little? like take 3 weeks to get to the next level? And maybe give yourself a second rest day during the week? No-one says you HAVE to do it in 12 weeks, and no-one says you have to do it at all. But maybe you are just having a tough week? Cut yourself some slack, don't compare yourself to the gods/goddesses in the videos!

    When I was doing the PINK method I could never finish it, so I promised myself I would just do 10 minutes of it each time. Then I tried to get to 15, and the next week I got to 20 minutes and so on. Let yourself do just ten minutes, and work up....

    Hope any of this helps :-)
  • pashalia
    pashalia Posts: 66 Member
    Look.. I am in wo9-10 and I strongly believe that wo7 and especially circuit 1 is the hardest till now!!! So, do the warm up of wo7 and start with curcuit 2... When u ll feel stronger try with modification circuit 1 ...

    I ll agree with stephanj, u don't have to do it in 12 weeks... Take ur time.... Don't give up!!! We are here for this reason!!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 177 Member
    Hang in there. I agree about stretching out the weeks. Especially if you can't do the workouts twice a week. I am sure you need to complete each workout at least 4 times before moving on to the next level. I am on week 8 and circuit 1 of workout 7 is nearly impossible for me too. Keep it up, you will see the changes in your body. If your schedule doesn't allow you to complete the workouts as Jillian has laid them out, modify the schedule to something that works for you. It's your program.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I've been doing JMBR since late March. I added an additional week to workouts 5 & 6 and 7 & 8 because I didn't feel ready. Then I took an unexpected 2-week "sabbatical". I returned to the program a week and a half ago and decided to redo Phase 2. Ultimately, it's YOUR program. If I were you, based on how you describe your fitness level, I would probably take 4 weeks for each set of workouts versus 2. Why not start over (it might feel good to start fresh) and do workouts 1 & 2 for longer and then move on. This will help build a base. The one drawback is that you'll have the same cardio DVD for 2 months, versus one, but I, personally, liked Cardio 1 & 2 and that wouldn't have been a problem. The key is to get stronger and feel better; it doesn't matter how long it takes.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi :happy: Hang in there.You can do it.I'm trying to hang in there too.Just keep going.I usually feel real good when I'm through with my workout.I just have to get started then I feel great :smile:
  • allibean15
    allibean15 Posts: 28
    Thank you all so much for the suggestions. I guess I just felt like a failure because I wasnt able to keep up with it. But you are right...its my program and I just have to keep telling myself that it doesnt have to go exactly according to her plan. My knees have really been hurting too so I think maybe I will just regroup, rest, take the rest of this week and start fresh with Phase 2. I think too if I dont put so much pressure on myself to do it everyday I'll probably be more successful bc I wont feel so bad if I cant get it all in. You are all so wonderful! Its great to have this support. Thank you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Jennifer_lynn85
    I was where you are on week 3 & 4.. I thought..oh I will never make it to 5 & 6..but just having a little support from my friends to keep pushing.. I let go of that "voice" telling me I couldn't.. Working out has so much more to do mentally than with least that's what I believe..its not usually your body telling you to stop, its your head.. Just remember its ONLY 30mins and will be over soon!! Maybe you can start rewarding yourself with THINGS..not food..for when you finish a week? Like if you finish one week..go out and grab a new sports bra...or maybe you have been wanting some songs on iTunes or a cd.. just don't make it FOOD you reward yourself with your not a dog!! You CAN do this I believe in you!!
  • allibean15
    allibean15 Posts: 28
    I was where you are on week 3 & 4.. I thought..oh I will never make it to 5 & 6..but just having a little support from my friends to keep pushing.. I let go of that "voice" telling me I couldn't.. Working out has so much more to do mentally than with least that's what I believe..its not usually your body telling you to stop, its your head.. Just remember its ONLY 30mins and will be over soon!! Maybe you can start rewarding yourself with THINGS..not food..for when you finish a week? Like if you finish one week..go out and grab a new sports bra...or maybe you have been wanting some songs on iTunes or a cd.. just don't make it FOOD you reward yourself with your not a dog!! You CAN do this I believe in you!!

    Thanks Jennifer! I definitely agree with you that it is more in my head but sometimes it so hard to get out of my head! I didnt exercise all week and eating has been horrible. Even stopped logging. I am going to take this weekend to regroup. I am a teacher so today is my last day of school...yay!...and hopefully can restart next week. I think I am going to incorporate all suggestions. I think the stress of six days a week was getting to me. I am going to aim for doing each wo once a week and either more if I can or something else I may enjoy just to mix it up. And then stretch the weeks out longer. I think the variety may keep me more motivated. Also not having the pressure to live up to the program perfectly! Thats my hope anyway.
    Thanks for the kind words and motivation! This really does help!!!:flowerforyou: