Pain with Current Lesion

annabelle1113 Posts: 12 Member
What do you all do for a current open sore and pain? I feel like when I keep a band-aid on it, it takes longer to heal, but if I don't have a band-aid on it, it rubs against my clothing and HURTS! What are some at-home go to remedies you all have?


  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Annabelle! If I have a painful one, I usually have a really hot salty bath or hold a very hot wash cloth on the area (as hot as you can stand). I find it helps reduce pain and encourage the abcess to drain. I also put germolene on it sometimes as it feels cooling (although it probably does nothing!!). If its rubbing against clothes, you could maybe try some gauze, which might let the skin breathe more than a band aid?

    Hope you are pain free soon :-) x
  • annabelle1113
    annabelle1113 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I'll have to check out that germolene thing you reference. What exactly is that? Could I find it at Walgreens? I do take a hot empsom salt/hibiclens bath every night. It seems to help. I flare up more when I have skipped a few days.

    Thanks for the good thoughts :)
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey :)

    Germolene is like an ointment that has local anaesthetic in it, smells very medicinal! I dont know what walgreens is but in the UK you can get it at most supermarkets and pharmacies!!

    I know what you mean about skipping days, when I skip using the tendskin lotion, I usually get one and then end up really annoyed at myself haha :-) x
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Annabelle - I have been using essential tea tree oil. Supposedly it works to dry out the skin and works as an anticeptic... because of its sting I mix it with coconut oil. I can't say exactly how much of each, I just kind of go by the smell of the mixture... more tea tree, less coconut smell, but I don't want it to sting when I put it on.

    Also, I've found some good results with NATURAL cocoa butter creams. Nothing with petroleum jelly in it. All natural ingredients and I rub this into my affected areas almost every night (sometimes I forget or I'm too tired) and this helps keep it at bay.

    Nothing I've found (so far) works 100% to get rid of it. All of these things work sometimes and for some people.

    Of course, a cortisone shot will work if it's really bad... but the cortisone hurts too.

    Hopefully you're not in pain at this time but I wanted to share.