5 Days Post - Op Couple of Questions

crosa527 Posts: 35 Member
Hi All,

I was grateful to see that there was a group out here specific to those of us who chose surgery as a tool. I had sleeve surgery on June 12th and am feeling really well, all things considered. I have not told many people what I had done. While my surgeon was in there he also found a hiatal hernia and fixed that too, so I'm telling most that I had hernia surgery.

I have a lot of faith and, without going into a rather long story, got a sign from God that I was meant to do this. I know that He had a hand in it because the first infomational meeting I attended was April 29, 2012 and the surgery was done on June 12, 2012... only about 6 weeks to get in all those doctor visits!

Through this process, I have been blessed with very good health, considering I had a BMI of 47. But, they did find that hernia, and also that I have sleep apnea.

I got the CPAP machine the night before surgery and am having a really hard time wearing it now that I am home. I'm hoping that I'll be feeling more up to it, but it is so darn uncomfortable and I am a side sleeper, which pushes the mask off my face...

Anyhow, I wanted to introduce myself to the group. I lost 13 pounds pre-op, and 5 more since. I would love to be MFP 'Friends' with anyone, just send a request, and would love to hear about what life is like post-op.

Oh, I also have a wedding to go to on June 30th (18 days post-op) anyone think I might be able to eat something? Mashed potatoes, perhaps?



  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    I had my surgery on June 14th. :) We are in the same boat! I lost 11 pounds before surgery, and I've lost 8 pounds since my surgery date. My doctor has me on a clear liquid diet for one week, liquids diet for two more weeks, and weeks four-six are applesauce consistency. Good luck, I'd love to have friends who are in the same boat as me!
  • win4ecu
    win4ecu Posts: 34 Member
    I had Gastric Bypass on April 2nd, 2012. Best day of my life so far, the best thing I could have ever done for my health! Congrats to you both on your weight loss thus far. There is even more to lose in the future if you do what you are supposed to. I was pretty much on liquids for the first two weeks post-op and then started introducing thin mashed potatoes, cream soups, SF popsicles (my fav) etc. At 2.5 months post-op I am still having difficulties with certain foods but I'm still learning. As far as the wedding goes I would say take a protein shake just in case there isn't something you can have. Hopefully there is something you can eat though. Unfortunately no wedding cake!!! Bummer. I will add both of you and we can help each other along the way :)

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome, I had a RNY on May 15th, I too think it has be a wonderful thing and even though I'm only half way to my goal I feel like a changed woman. I lost 25 on my 3 month supervised diet another 11 on the pre surgery liquid diet and 22 since surgery. I wouldn't recommend trying to eat anything that you haven't tried at home before hand since you never know how your tummy is going to take it; even then stick to soft foods like soup and only eat solids that are soft enough to squish with your tounge.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Congratulations on your surgery! I had RNY on April 4th, 2012. My dr sent me home on full liquid diet for 2 weeks post op...then pureed and mushy foods for another week after that. After three weeks I was able to start eating soft foods. I have been slowly adding things back into my diet as tolerated. One thing...when you first try a new food...try it at home first. That way if it makes you sick at least you are not out in a public place :) You will just have to listen to your body's clues. I know some people that are around my time out can not eat beef....I can eat beef fine, its chicken I cant tolerate yet. I can tolerate most seafood. My friend cannot eat lettuce yet but I have no problem with it at all. In the beginning I stuck with things like cottage cheese, refried beans, things like that. Be sure you get plenty of protein and drink your water!