Advice please!!

Hi, im interested in starting upper strength training but i have no idea where to start... I understand that im going to have to work small and build it up but im just not sure what this 'starting weight' is. Help! :)


  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    Not sure. when I started I just grabbed 5lbs/hand and started from there. No magic place to start, just start out somewhere comfortable and make sure your form is correct so you don't hurt yourself.

    Are you doing any program, or just grabbing some weights and getting to it? There are a few sites listed on here that people seem to like that may give you some direction, sorry I don't have them right now to link, but you can do some searches.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    The " Starting Weight" will be different for different people-depends on your strength. When I started lifting, I just did deadlifts with just the oly bar and then start increasing from there. Just start somewhere and see how things go. If it's too light, go up on next set. If you can finish all reps. on all sets and struggle toward the end, try to increase next time you do the same lift.

    Are you doing a program?
  • Hi thanks for the advice, and no I'm not on any program yet I need to prepare one, i'd like to know what those sites are! I suppose I could just google it? I am going to buy some weights, should I just get some dumbells like these?? >
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member is my magical place. LOL
  • HI!

    I am also new to strength training. I have started doing cardio (swimming and walking) and would like to add weights into my routine. I don't belong to a gym however and was wondering if anyone had any advice (best weights to buy for my money, at-home programs) to begin my training?
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    The New Rules of Lifting for Women book is a great starting point and you can check out and for great articles and advice. And you really ought to do lower body as well, not just upper. Legs are the largest muscle group in the body and you definitely should not neglect them, unless you have an injury preventing you from working them.
  • Thanks for all the feedback, ill definitely check those sites out! What about starting weights though? Is it wise to just go out and buy a dumbell tree/case etc.?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Dumbbells are a good starting point or kettlebells, but at some point as you get stronger you will reach a max on what your hands can hold or if you squat with weights, your legs will be able to push up more weight that you can hold and then you have to move to heavier things like barbell. Are you planning to work out at home only?
  • At this point, yes. I have joined a community pool and am swimming there. I heard that they have a small gym there but I haven't checked it out yet. Also, trying to find the time to go to the gym AND swim would be a bit too much for my life at the moment..

    Any suggestions?