Weighing in?

It looks like most of you are weighing yourself daily, but I always heard that weighing in daily should be avoided because of day-to-day fluctuation. I've always been told to weigh in weekly. What's your opinion on this? I have to admit I like weekly because I like stepping on the scale and seeing I've lost 2-3lbs instead of a quarter or half pound at at time.


  • itzasunie
    itzasunie Posts: 5
    I like to weigh in once a week, in the morning! With how much your body retains water, or something you might eat, it fluctuates a lot!

    And I def agree that seeing those big drops are more fun than a little .5! >:D
  • evilpixiegrrr
    Yes. I like to weigh in the morning before I eat or drink and after any, ahem, bathroom trips. :P

    I lost 5lbs in a week once. It rocked. And I didn't starve myself either. I ate lean and worked out six days a week.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I weigh in every day on my scale, but I had thought to only log once a week from my dr's scale. But you know what? screw that, I think it would be fine to see the fluctuations and patterns that occur daily. They say to not do it if you will get discouraged which makes sense, but no way on this diet I will be. I might plateau but at least I know it wasn't something I ate LOL!
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    I weigh every tuesday morning with a coworker before breakfast. I was excited this week, so I weighted monday and lost 4lbs, by tuesday morning I gained 3 back, I attributed it to working out hard Monday and Tuesday before I weighed. It discouraged me though so I stuck with my 4lb loss from Monday. By next tuesday i should be able to tell if it was real loss, Im down another 2lbs this morning so it fluxuates. I think Measurings helpful I need to find my measuring tape.
  • mrsleftybrown
    I weigh myself every Tuesday and Friday but log only every Friday. However, for these past two weeks I can not truly log it due to this stupid cast. So as soon as the cast comes off I will weigh in the following morning.
  • darthkitty
    darthkitty Posts: 15
    I am going to only weigh in once a week. I do weigh myself everyday, but fluctuations in weight and what you eat is a big thing too. =D
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    It looks like most of you are weighing yourself daily, but I always heard that weighing in daily should be avoided because of day-to-day fluctuation. I've always been told to weigh in weekly. What's your opinion on this? I have to admit I like weekly because I like stepping on the scale and seeing I've lost 2-3lbs instead of a quarter or half pound at at time.

    I weigh in weekly, in the morning, and umm after bathroom trips too lol.

    There have been times where I would weigh myself mid week and still see that there hasn't been a change since the beginning of the week. I then waited to my weigh in day and saw that I lost 3lbs.

    I believe that weekly weigh ins help keep you sane as well, I know that some people tend to freak out when they see that they're going up and down on the scale.
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm weighing in daily right now because I changed my diet as well as meal times to specific times during the day.
    I want to keep a log of everything including how many trips to the bathroom vs. how much water I drink etc.
    When I'm confident that things are going okay and my calories burned vs. calories eaten is more accurate and I continue to lose steadily, than I'll relax and do it once a week.

    My fear right now is that even though I feel good and I'm eating healthful foods and apparently under my daily calorie goal, if I wait a week to weigh...I'll step on the scale and be 10 lbs heavier! (that has actually happened to me on WW).
  • _Laughter
    _Laughter Posts: 17
    I plan on logging it every day might be go up or down.
  • evilpixiegrrr
    I'm still on the fence. I think I will do daily for a while and if I find that I get too freaked out or down on myself for some fluctuation, I'll go to weekly.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I weigh every other day but only to keep myself on track and to see what needs to be done to keep the scale moving,I actually only log every Friday and so far it has worked for me but I know enough not to get freaked out if I gained an extra lb or 2 cause I know it's probably just water.
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    I'm still on the fence. I think I will do daily for a while and if I find that I get too freaked out or down on myself for some fluctuation, I'll go to weekly.

    The only reason I did do it was bc their was a scale at the gym. I'd weigh myself when I arrived there and when I was done working out.

    One of the reasons I like weighing myself at home is bc I can do it with the least amount of clothes on...I can't exactly do that in the middle of the gym. I feel like that if I weigh in it should be as accurate as possible to help give me a better understanding. Also, I've actually just started taking "progression" pictures and comparing the differences. ( I know, I should've done it sooner)

    Sometimes you won't see much of a change on the scale but then you'll notice that you've lost body fat and toned up a bit. I'm trying to become less obsesses with the number on the scale and more concerned with fat loss...
  • evilpixiegrrr
    I think I'm going to stick to daily. I've only had one day where my weight went up by half a pound (probably water weight). All the other times my weight has stayed the same or gone down. I seem to average .4 lbs of loss after a day of staying the same. Fine with me. :)
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I think I'm going to stick to daily. I've only had one day where my weight went up by half a pound (probably water weight). All the other times my weight has stayed the same or gone down. I seem to average .4 lbs of loss after a day of staying the same. Fine with me. :)

    Good stuff Donna, that's amazing without being on a special diet. Also, just to forewarn there is usually an increase around your "womanly" time of the month <3
  • evilpixiegrrr
    Thanks!! It's been better than I thought it would be. It'd definitely a slower process losing weight after 40, but it's not THAT bad.

    And yeah, stupid womanly monthly thing. I already punched Mother Nature in the face. I need to do that again.