Surgery 27 Feb

Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
Hello peeps

I have my date for my open laparoscopy surgery- Monday 27 Feb (1 month away).

Any idea on how long after surgery I can get back to exercising?


  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I would say walking a few days after surgery would be fine, even recommended. Gentle walking not power walking. And for general exercise I would not do any until 4-6 weeks after surgery. The laproscopy with endo excision will require lots of abdominal healing, so gentle care.

    Good luck. I hope your surgeon gets every last bit bit of that horrible endo.
  • ashley2586
    ashley2586 Posts: 50 Member

    How are you feeling now? Are you fully recovered? I had surgery on the 23rd of February of this year but not laparoscopy, I had an 8-10 inch cut. I am fully recovered and continuing my adventure to my goal weight!
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi Ashley

    I felt on top of the world for a couple of months but sadly the endo pain is creeping back and I'm afraid the deposits are re-growing :o( I had diathermy (laser treatment) which I have since found out is no way near as effective as excision (cutting out the deposits and their 'roots').

    Still, my mirena IUS seems to be working and has stopped my periods, which should slow the regrowth down.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Hi Laura and Ashley,

    Hope you both are doing well.

    Laura...I had laser surgery 2 times and it does not work. Not at all. Doctors will tell you it does but they are extremely misinformed. You must have DEEP scalpel excision removal. And the surgeon must go everywhere in your body. Not just where they can easily see the implants. There are implants in places that 99% of surgeons will never go. That is not okay. Find a surgeon who will do deep excision and go into the nooks and crannies (cull-de-sac) of your abdomen. That is the only way. I have a world-class endo surgeon. She has dedicated her life to helping woman with endo. I can ask her if she knows an effective endo surgeon in England, if you'd like me to.

    My endo pain was so bad I was in bed for one year, I couldn't move or the pain was searing. The pain was incompatible with life. She saved my life. has been four months how are you doing? Hope you are thriving! Who did your surgery? And did they do deep excision?

    Let's end endo!