June Challenge Week 2 Update

Time to add up those exercise minutes and pounds lost for the week and post away. June is half way through. Let's see how we're doing.

Our Week 1 Update totals are:

Amanda - Exercise minutes Goal 500, To Date 316: Pounds Goal 4, To Date -1.4
Lenore-Exercise minutes Goal 1000, To Date 105: Pounds 5, To Date 1
Shannon - Exercise minutes Goal 1000, To Date 250: Pounds 4, To Date 1


  • HLTHLenore
    HLTHLenore Posts: 141
    It hasn't been a great week, still have some muscle problems. Got in 135 minutes of exercise and lost 1 pound. Something strange about this.
  • enchantedeskape
    gained .5 back....got in another 200 mins.

    I've decided to start logging all of my calories on here again. Although I've stayed within my point allowance w/ WW...I'm gaining and losing the same 1-2 lbs every month. Something has to change.
  • HLTHLenore
    HLTHLenore Posts: 141
    Okay, so our totals for Week 2 are...

    Amanda - Exercise minutes Goal 500, To Date 316: Pounds Goal 4, To Date -1.4
    Lenore-Exercise minutes Goal 1000, To Date 240: Pounds 5, To Date 2
    Shannon - Exercise minutes Goal 1000, To Date 450: Pounds 4, To Date .5

    Week 3 Update is coming up Saturday.