Just Started Does it work

llc65 Posts: 5 Member
Hi just started level1 day 1 this evening. Seems like a really good work out .
Has anyone noticed a difference and how long did it take
I cant believe how intense it is. Hope to see good results.


  • Victoire2012
    Victoire2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes it does work! I just started level 2 yesterday. I took my measurements (plan to do that at the end of each level) and I have lost 6 inches total with 3 off of my hips and 2 off of my waist. I am very excited to see the final results. I stopped weighing because it was discouraging due to building muscle process that can cause your weight to fluctuate. My advice go for it...hard! It works.
  • dmgeurts
    dmgeurts Posts: 23 Member
    I think it works very well... I have lost a few inches. Unfortunately, I didn't take very good measurments before I started. However, I did take very good measurements between level 1 & 2... I will take measurements again between level 2 & 3 (tomorrow). I have decided to step away from the scale during this (because some peopel have a tendancy to gain while building muscle) and rely totally on my measurments. :)
