Anyone else stuck around 130?!

Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
Hello all!

I'm new to the group (but not to MFP), currently the wrong side of 130 and have 115 as my goal. Just over 5'5" but with a tiny frame so I don't carry the weight well :-( I also have PCOS so it's even more important for me to get lean. I tried 'eat more to weigh less' but it didn't work for me - so I'm back to 1200 cals now and feeling good about it. Hopefully it will help take me into the 120s, this is where I always get stuck!!

If anyone else is stuck at this highly annoying number or has similar goals (or just wants support!) please feel free to add me.

Thanks, good luck to all in your goals! :flowerforyou:


  • mariemc91
    mariemc91 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, I'm Marie. I had my son about a month ago and am stuck at 139. I'm trying to get back down to 125. Since I started my diet I have been eating too less. I'm averaging less than 1000 calories per day. I'm trying to eat at least 1200 per day but not sure what foods to eat. Add me please :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm 5' 6" and 130 is ALWAYS the hardest for me to break. During the winter I tend to fluctuate, sometimes even up to 140. Every time I try and lose weight again, I get stuck at 130. I've been having a lot more success lately eating a paleo-type diet (lots of lean means, veggies, no processed foods or grains, and trying to keep sugar as low as possible). I'm currently stuck at 130, but still losing inches with this diet and 3-5 workouts a week.

    I would like to question you, why are you so stuck on the number of 115? I'm only an inch taller and I got down to 118 once, but now I see pictures of myself at that weight and I was too skinny. I know you said you have a tiny frame, but maybe you should focus less on the number, and more on losing inches. For along time I was so focused on 125- I just had to hit 125. I was driving myself crazy trying to get there. I feel healthier mentally now that I'm not so focused on the scale. I have shifted my energy to getting strong and lean.

    You don't mention what your doing as far as exercise, but you definitely need to have some form of strength training in there whether it's weights, resistance exercise, or even yoga. That is what will really help you tone up and will also help you redistribute the weight in a more flattering way. This was a hard concept to wrap my mind around, but when I saw this image it really clicked:
    You can see how 5 pounds of fat takes up literally TWICE the space on your body as 5 pounds of muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you can actually be quite skinny and weigh a lot. One of my very first MFP pals who really inspired me was this chick who same height as me, but she weighed 150 and she looked HOT!! She wore a size 2, had a tiny waist, but was just so lean and compact that she weighed a lot. She was dense, but still looked awesome in clothes and didn't look the least bit manly or too buff at all. You don't have to be that extreme, I'm just challenging you put a little more thought into your goal and why you are so fixated on a number.

    On another note, I have to stay below about 1400 cals/day to lose. Eat more to weight less doesn't work for me either. Just keeps me bloated. I aim for 1200 and eat back my exercise cals and that works for me.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Hi both!

    Glad I'm not alone here :-)

    Kelseyhere - you make a good point, of course there is a difference between muscle and fat. I haven't ever weighed 115 (that I can remember!!) so I might reassess as I go down. I just think knowing my body and my frame as I do I have about another 15 pounds to lose before I'd be happy.

    I do exercise - pilates, gym cardio and various Jillian Michaels videos (some with weights) that kick my backside!! :-) So I do appreciate it's about shape and size. It's just that the scale number is a handy indication for me, because I'm not looking to gain muscle, just preserve as much as I can so I don't get all saggy and baggy when I'm skinny :-))

    I also eat pretty clean so I'm hoping going back to 1200 is going to do the trick for me.

    Lovely to meet you both, have added you so we can support each other!! :-)
  • hippietofugirl
    wow it seems we are very similar. I WAS stuck at 127 with a goal of 115. I couldn't get past the plateau so I decided to try EM2WL, and it didn't work for me, and now I am stuck at 134. I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and its not helping me lose anything, if anything I have actually gained a lb since I started (probably in muscle). But Yeah, its REALLY frustrating!!

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and I am also just over 5'5. haha..weird!
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Hippietofugirl - Wow that is crazy how similar we are!! It definitely sounds like you're gaining muscle from 30DS. But I understand totally about wanting to see that number on the scale... The lowest I have seen was 129 and that was only on one single day! Haha. Anyway, I will send you a request, we can crack this thing together! :-)
  • kimber_av
    kimber_av Posts: 98
    I'm 5'5.5" and stuck at 134. My goal is 120. I've been eating better and doing cardio and pilates for 4 weeks and I haven't lost a pound. Luckily I did measurements to find I have lost an inch in my thighs. so I have kicked the scale to the curb for the rest of june. which is a big deal for me. I used to weigh myself every day haha.
    I can't seen to get back into the 120s lately. but I will damnit! we all will!
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Well done for staying off the scale, that is huge! I take measurements too but the scale habit is hard to break.

    Keep up the great work ladies - we WILL reach our goals!! :-)
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    135 was always my goal weight. When I started using MFP, tracking what I ate, and making a habit of getting to the gym 3-4 times week I hit that and kept going. When I dropped below 130 I started trying maintenance mode. I got back to 134, mostly due to poor snack choices. Or rather, over doing the poor snack choices. So I am back to MFP, faithfully keeping my food diary. I find I am less likely to eat something really horrible knowing I have to record it. lol
    I am 5'7" with a medium build. Maybe below 130 isn't where I need to be. As I build more lean muscle, I know that will give a few more pounds as well.
  • juliemarie911
    I am totally your twin! I'm 5'4 stuck at 135. I lost the weight 2 years ago and went from 145 to 120! I gained 15 back :( But this time around i want to get to 115 also! and keep it OFF . feel free to add me :)
  • tashhast
    tashhast Posts: 31 Member
    omg I was stuck at 130 for a little over a month! it was ridiculous to break. What broke it for me was really cleaning up my eating and uping my cardio. I'm now at 126 and it still taking soo longgg lol.
  • dannii020
    dannii020 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, im new to this group, im now abt 134lb's i have lost abt 8lb in 2 week i want to be 116lb, my daughter is just turning 7 months and son is 2 1/2 i was happy with my weight before i got pregnant wasnt expected now i was stuck with the weigh, im currently eating abt 1200 calories a day but cant seem to hit it every day when i do exercise, i refuse to eat potato and bread i just stick to salad etc with meals and have warburton pocket... add me if you like im looking for some friends around same weight as me to come along my journey with me :happy:
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Hey :) I'm 5ft4, stuck at 130lb. Highest weight of 137, trying to get to 120 - which is a bit light for me, but I'd like to start uni next year a little lighter than usual since it's probably going to be too hectic to exercise as much as I have been doing - damage limitation! Really struggling to get past 130 - I've tried eating more than 1200, but it didn't really do anything for me, so back to trying 1200 again, and fingers crossed!