The Daily Accountability Thread



  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    I didn't do so great yesterday so I'm working on a better today. I'm taking a class at the gym after work and hopefully I'll burn some serious calories!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    I met my goals yesterday. Made the aquatic class, did my time on the recumbent bike and did my PT homework. My Polar heart rate monitor showed I burned 566 calories!

    Today: My goal was to be AT the gym for 8:00 to meet The Polar Guy (aka Polar Bob!). I upgraded my heart rate monitor to a better one. Whoo hoo!

    My second goal was to make the 9:00 aquatic class. I set the time to meet with The Polar Guy with that in mind. Polar Bob had me trained on the new monitor with just enough time for me to make the class. Whew!

    I took my granddaughter to the park today. Because I've been working my core, I'm more aware of those (sore) muscles. I was surprised to find that my belly muscles ached when I was on the swing! Out of curiosity, I turned on the Heart Rate Monitor. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I burned 40 calories in just 8 minutes!!! I was pumping my legs hard, but it actually brought me into the middle zone (improve fitness and lose weight!). Darn that little kid that made me give up my swing!

    My third goal was to drink enough water today. Yup, did that, too!

    Tomorrow: My goal is to get my butt moving, and be at the club a little before 10:00. I'm hoping to get my bike time and PT Homework out of the way before the 11:00 class (and still have energy for that class!)
  • Fab4life1
    Fab4life1 Posts: 31 Member
    :bigsmile: I met all three of my goals today...

    1. I ate an apple (fruit is not my thing; don't have a problem with veggies)
    2. I went to water aerobics this morning (despite the fact that I had to dragged myself out of bed and fight traffic to get to gym)
    3. I did not exceed my suger intake today.

    I am so excited!!
  • Fab4life1
    Fab4life1 Posts: 31 Member
    I met 2/3 of my goal...I exercised and ate some fruit! The day is not over yet (my fingers are crossed!) :happy:

    2/3 is better then 0/0!

    Thanks for the support!
  • Stephy_LP
    Stephy_LP Posts: 20
    Ate healthy today and had mostly green tea and water! Yay! We can do this! I love MFP! Thanks for y'alls support! :)
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    My goal for today is keep my eating on track. It's so tough at my fiancé's house and I've got a lot of running around today too. Packing some good snacks and a protein shake to keep me on track!
  • So happy! I met my goals again. I tried bootcamp at LA Fitness and I did Zumba moves, pushups, crunches, and mini cardio while watching the Heat game last night. I am 6 pounds lighter over the course of 5 days. I don't know how that happened, but I'm making progress and I'm happy. Woo-Hoo!!! Yes, we can.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Well Lets today getting some short walks in, along with Yoga Booty Ballet 35 min and My Tai Chi Practice along with stairs.:heart::smile:
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    So happy! I met my goals again. I tried bootcamp at LA Fitness and I did Zumba moves, pushups, crunches, and mini cardio while watching the Heat game last night. I am 6 pounds lighter over the course of 5 days. I don't know how that happened, but I'm making progress and I'm happy. Woo-Hoo!!! Yes, we can.
    I so Agree With you that is cool..:heart:
  • Panabarr1
    Panabarr1 Posts: 11
    My goal for today is to work out twice. I have my own mini gym my husband gave me for my birthday (hint hint) I know I will get a hard workout today because I am going to go work with him on a side job.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    Hi, my goal today is to do a double work out Zumba at 11 am and then something else later not sure exacly however something will be done.

    Double workout,
    75 oz of water
    7 hours of sleep tonight.

    I am lacking in the sleep department, have to wind down earlier, be in relaxed mode and get some sleep.
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Ok, here goal for today is to get in two workouts, one being doing the fist day of JM 30DS & my other workout will be to do W2D1 of C25K. Hope I have the strength to get them both done.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    6/21/12 33 minutes of cardio, a set of strength training exercises, 8 glasses of water, 5 servings of vegetables:smile:
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Well I stayed under my calories today and drank only workout today, but I do plan on working out in the morning. Two out of three....not too bad i think.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Today Concentrating on Positive mind thinking and water Consumption!:smile:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    got in my gym time this morning
    jogging , then lifting then finished with some rowing

    then cleaned the back pattio up this afternoon (Lots of cleaning it was a mess ugh) so that I could have a space for my new free weight bench and weights that I purchased today :)

    I`m currently lagging alittle behind on my water for the day I have 9 8oz cups in but I like to get atleast 11 cups so I`m going to try to get those drank before heading to bed
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Stayed on track the last couple of days (well mostly)...tonight did really well and even faced my fear of actually barrel racing! I've always loved riding horses and love the trails. I've done the practice barrels a few times but have always chickened out at actually racing (the rest of my family does every Saturday night). Well tonight I went and got 2nd place in 3 out of 4 event! The other one I would have taken 3rd had I not DQ by knocking a pole down. I also just got to add another pound down this morning!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    Good going, guys! I'm really impressed with how some of you are doing! You are all inspiring!!! Keep it up!

    Friday I was able to do my 20 minute bike ride, a 1 hour aquatic aerobic class, 20 minutes more pool exercises while the showers emptied out and then 1/2 hour doing my physical therapy homework. A record day for me: My Polar heart rate monitor says I burned 702 calories!!! Whoo hoo!!!

    Yesterday wasn't as good. I was disappointed that I could find a way to get to this part of MFP with my iPhone. My granddaughter's dance recital was 3 hours instead of the expected 1.5 hours. Then it was followed by an unexpected visit to Friendly's for dinner with all the family. I had a salad, but it was still 580 calories. (I didn't eat all of the vinaigrette, so I had a little less ... but, still!)

    Dinner was followed by a friend's birthday bash/pot luck dinner. I brought healthy food, but, because the recital was long, and because we went to Friendly's, we arrived late. I saved our food to bring home. Proud of myself that I didn't touch a bite of anything while I was there!

    Since I was on the road all day, I didn't work out., so there was no extra calories earned.

    I'm a little bummed that, for the first time since being on MFP I really went overboard on both calories and sodium.

    Today I plan to do at least 15 minutes of physical therapy homework at home, and 20 minutes of cardio at home on the bike or gazelle.

    I didn't drink enough water yesterday. Today I'm going to be sure I drink 10 glasses.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    did some zumba today :) water is good but I am over a on cals lol by a whole 2 cals so I`m not going to sweat it very happy with this weekend :)
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Goal for today was Just to drink plenty:tongue: of water