Day 2 - June 21st - Cleanse America

taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
Day 2 went well. I was able to drink the 32oz of lemon water first thing in the morning. I continued eating fruit and raw veggies. Although I was eating every two or three hours I was still under 1,200 calories for the day. I will have to find higher calorie fruit and less nuts to meet my daily calorie goal.


  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    Good for you, Taylor! I'm going to try to do the 32 oz. water tomorrow morning. I have to remind myself to do that. Only problem is, the more water I drink, the less I want to eat. As for calories, nuts easily help me get in calories. I just didn't feel much like eating yesterday.

    Day 2 didn't go that great for me. I did my usual 20 oz. of alkalized water and had a mango and pistachios for breakfast. Unfortunately, I got caught up working and ended up not eating a morning snack or lunch. I did have a few cashews for afternoon snack, but I actually don't remember eating anything else until around 9pm when I had an orange and some cashews. For some reason, my appetite was extremely low, which is really rare for me, so I know I didn't hit anywhere near 1,200 calories. I did manage to get in about 70 oz. of water though.

    But I'm not going to sweat it. Today is a new day and I'm on it. I've had 20 oz. of lime water and 24 oz. of my Strawberry Mocha smoothie, sans the coffee, and I put a Medjool date in it. I'm having raw vegan dip and raw flax crackers for snack, a nice salad for lunch and a fruit plate for afternoon snack. Not sure about dinner yet, but I'll definitely have something.
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member

    It is so ironic when water makes us eat less. I am sure with you drinking 70 oz that played a major role in your appetite being suppressed. The strawberry mocha smoothie sounds delicious. I have been experimenting with adding different items in my smoothies and I am just loving how they are tasting.

    I did join the VIP Liquid Lounge on Cleanse America's website and I can say, gosh, some of the posted ingredients used in some of the juices and smoothies are very, very, interesting.

    Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Wishing you a great day.