Keeping Track of your Progress!

Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
While I am NOT, repeat NOT an advocate for weighing in on a daily basis, weigh in are still important. Being we are months away from our first Holiday goal date, we DO need to weigh in to make sure we are making progress.

One of the great things about MFP is that it tracks everything we eat/do. So if one month you lost more weight than the last month, you could go back and see your calories burned, or your food eaten. I know sometimes it feels like we did everything we could, but when you look at your diary and notice the month of June had 6 splurge days while the month of April only had 2, things like that can make a difference! :)

:heart: WEEKLY WEIGH INS: I won't make them mandatory, but by all means, share if you want to! We are here to support you, so no need to feel timid. If you are an everyday weigher-er- STOP. It's certainly exciting when you are pound down, but when you are even half a pound up, it's devastating and often will ruin your day, sending you RIGHT to the ice cream... or pizza... or mall... or candy... or whatever your way of coping of.

You should however, weigh in weekly at the same time EVERY week. I try to weigh in on Friday mornings. Right after my morning pee :embarassed: and before I have eaten or drank anything. Here is my reasoning for choosing Friday. If I choose Monday, I will no doubt still be processing any food from the weekend. And let's be honest, don't most people tend to eat differently on the weekend? While I still eat healthy, I'm WAY more healthier during the week. So choose the DAY AND TIME that works for you and STICK TO IT!

:heart: MONTHLY WEIGH-INS Now this is the one that I will track and record on MFP an also my printable calendar that I use to keep track of my workouts. Monthly is so much better because the numbers lost are usually higher.

:heart: MEASUREMENTS! Oh man, NOW THIS IS THE TICKET AND MY FAVORITE WAY OF TRACKING ON A MONTHLY BASIS! If you don't do measurements, you are missing out my friend!:drinker: It's seriously wonderful! There have been months where I have only lost two pounds, but have lost 2 inches in my bum, 1 inch on each thigh, and 2 inches in my belly! Talk about a NSV! :) Tape measures are the cheapest thing to buy! I have seen them at the dollar store, Walmart/Walgreens/Target/Frys/etc. If you can't find them, simply go to a sewing/fabric store! It will be the best 1-3 dollars you've spent!

Here is a great chart for you to help track yourself:

Now, here's what I do with that chart. I put numbers next to the lines on the chart. "1-chest, " "2-Right arm," "3-Left arm," and so on and so forth. Then, I use a different piece of paper to write the date of my measurements (the last day of the month for me) and then write the numbers down the side (like in the margin). This will only take up about an inch, so then the next column will be the next date of measurement and so on and so forth... :noway: Did that make sense? Basically you are making a simple spreadsheet. The numbers of the body part on the left hand side (your rows) and the Date up top (the columns).
Let me know if you don't get it still.

:heart: So Plan of Action?
1.If you don't have a measuring tape (not to be confused with a stick), go get one!
2. Get a scale or set up a place (A gym, a friends) that you can use ONCE a month! If you choose to do once a week, that is fine, just know that the body (especially the female body) is fickle even on a week to week basis, especially with TOM.
3.Print off that tracker sheet.
4.Make your chart
5.Weigh and measure yourself so you know where you started... Cause sista (and brotha) we are going to be losing weight IN JULY! I can feel it!


  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    My first weigh in and measure in will be Saturday, June 30th because this week is a not good week to do any of those things. I hope that's ok! If you're a girl you get what I"m saying here! :)
  • renee_chan
    renee_chan Posts: 10
    I'm one of those "must weigh myself every day" types. This morning I was a half pound up and it totally killed my happy Friday buzz. I will pledge to stay off the scale til next Friday morning. So as of today I'm at 148, 5'4. I need to start taking my measurements.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    My first weigh in and measure in will be Saturday, June 30th because this week is a not good week to do any of those things. I hope that's ok! If you're a girl you get what I"m saying here! :)

    :laugh: I hear you, over and out! :D And of course it's okay! I did weigh myself today because it's Friday, but I always do the last day of the month as well! :D

    :heart: Renee- it will change your life! :) I really mean it! I have always been very into fitness and "losing the last 5 pounds" so to speak. I think it's a woman thing, as I don't now anybody who is SUPER happy with where they are at (even my petite, supermodelish type friends). So yes, start with once a week and EVEN if you gain weight, know that it could be any number of factors! Also, the monthly weigh in and the measurements are amazing! :) Oh and by the way, I used to be a "weigh myself a few times a day girl." Really, it was an unhealthy obsession! LOL It's been over a decade since that though! :D

    :bigsmile: I am pleased to say that I have lost another 1-2 pounds! I can't know for sure since my scale is digital! The first time it said I had lost 1 the next time it said 2 and then the last time it said 2. But again, these are only estimates! :) I will say that while I don't necessarily look like I've lost weight, I can feel it! AND IT FEELS NICE! Here we go guys! Hold on to your hats!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Did you know your body (especially the female body and all our hormones) can +/- 8-9 pounds in a given day? Add in your TOM (Time of the month), or water retention, or salt intake, or processed foods that are still working their way out of your system, the herbs you have eaten, the muscle mass you may have created, lost.... the list goes on and on!

    So many people are allergic to foods without knowing it! When you get slight indigestion after eating something, or gassy after cheese, or a stomachache and then tired after eating- it's actually a slight reaction. So know, that with these things comes the body's need to work harder to fix these issues. This is another reason you should a)know what your body responds to and b)not weigh yourself every day.

    I have been to parties/get togethers where I eat pretty healthy, but not as healthy as I would on my own and it takes DAYS! DAYS to lose the 5 pounds I gained! :) There really isn't anything to worry about as long as you go back to your regular food plan on weekdays! :D


  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Did you know your body (especially the female body and all our hormones) can +/- 8-9 pounds in a given day? Add in your TOM (Time of the month), or water retention, or salt intake, or processed foods that are still working their way out of your system, the herbs you have eaten, the muscle mass you may have created, lost.... the list goes on and on!

    So many people are allergic to foods without knowing it! When you get slight indigestion after eating something, or gassy after cheese, or a stomachache and then tired after eating- it's actually a slight reaction. So know, that with these things comes the body's need to work harder to fix these issues. This is another reason you should a)know what your body responds to and b)not weigh yourself every day.

    These are the reasons my dietian told me to keep a journal of my foods, the time I ate, and how did I feel after and up to the next meal. This way I can learn how my body reacts to the different foods I eat. Then hopefully we can find a trigger for some of my issues.

    This last week was a bad week for me, I weighed in heavier then I have been in 3 years, but it is that TOM. I really need to start to reversing what is going on.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    :heart: Cyclerjen- I hear you! I am about a week from my TOM and already I can feel the bloating happening! :cry: LOL Oh well, I will more than likely be weighing in at that time, but whatever, we know what the truth is! LOL That is exactly why journaling works, because you will be able to see what the "culprit" is! :D

    I am excited to start July! Seriously excited! :) I feel that i have hit my stride and am going strong and steady, slow and steady and feeling alive! That is when you know your body is starting to take to the changes, when you are FEELING like a million bucks! Just imagine, soon we will all be looking like a million bucks! :D

    CHEERS :drinker:
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    I typically weigh in on Sundays; but I will change it to Saturday; as I use the scale at the Y. The one at home has me weighing 10lbs. less.

    Should we have a thread that is strictly for measurements/photos/weigh-ins and then we edit as each week progresses?
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I typically weigh in on Sundays; but I will change it to Saturday; as I use the scale at the Y. The one at home has me weighing 10lbs. less.

    Should we have a thread that is strictly for measurements/photos/weigh-ins and then we edit as each week progresses?

    Yes, I think so! :D I mean I think we should have a thread for all weigh-ins/measurements or whatever you feel like sharingon a month to month basis! :D So I will make one for July! :D Thanks!
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125

    I have got to get my measurements done. I wore a pair of pants that a month ago I couldn't button or zip! I felt great in them. I might take me a while to lose weight, but I think I'll lose inches. I've been doing a lot of core during my water classes.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Ok-- I will do this. Because I've been pretty good with my weight (and happy with how I've been fitting in myc lothes lately) I haven't paid too much attention but want to get a little bit more toned/fit. I will start my weigh-in and measurements on Saturday morning, every week!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Ok-- I will do this. Because I've been pretty good with my weight (and happy with how I've been fitting in myc lothes lately) I haven't paid too much attention but want to get a little bit more toned/fit. I will start my weigh-in and measurements on Saturday morning, every week!

    Good for you hoya! Glad to see you in here! :D Oh and I don't recommend measurement every week. I think once a month is good! But do what you want, just a suggestion!!!!
  • angel4evergvng
    angel4evergvng Posts: 46 Member
    I weigh in on Sundays- Good way to start the week.