Articles for inspiration and validation


Found this article yesterday..I love what it says! I also have to agree with it, especially what it says about land vs. water exercising.

How about anyone else? thoughts?


  • skinnylove912
    skinnylove912 Posts: 19 Member
    I completely agree, 100%!
    I have been a competitive swimmer for 7+ years and have never suffered an injury from swimming! It is truly the best and safest exercise! I spraine my ankle within the 1st 2 weeks of track but have nothing from all my swimming years. For anyone looking to get in shape and get a great burn, SWIMMING IS PERFECT!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I think this is a great article! I do have to disagree, however, with the injury stuff...although many of my injuries were caused by cross training (weights and running, mainly), alot of us had overuse injuries (rotator cuffs especially). I think people also tend to go too far too fast at times and end up with similar type injuries! Overall, though, swimming is MUCH better for injuries, especially for a recreational swimmer :) Thanks for posting this article!
  • Glad you are enjoyed it!!

    And thanks for your thoughts!