New to posting...hurt my shoulder heavy lifting now what?

Hi all-

I found this group in April when I was hungry and plateaued and doing more cardio then I ever had in my life knowing something had to give. I figured i would eat more because even if I didn't weigh less at least I wouldn't be hungry. Then I knew the next component would be building some muscle mass. I was either Spinning or doing Insanity 5 days a week for an hour. Being a former Spinning instructor and cardio junkie I used to think that was the only way to lose weight but never understood why I didn't look like the girls in Athleta? Well the New Rules opened my eyes along with some great posts from this group! Things made sense! I still haven't lost a darn pound but I feel a lot stronger! Someday I may need some advice on my eating and such but for now I'm hurt!

I started the New Rules stage one at home (yeah I know the gym is much better but with 4 kids 8 and under running around and one of them being a very cantankerous 20 month old I take what I can get!). I have Dumbells to 50 pounds and an exercise ball. So I either jacked my shoulder doing a pull over (instead of a lat pull down) or doing a shoulder press. I think it was the prior. I also had an awful few hours sleeping with the prior mentioned toddler. My shoulder hasn't been the same. I tried to work through it. No go. I can't even lift my kids in the pool without aggravating it. My daily life is fined. I've tried icing , Advil, ect....

So I am fine with giving it time to heal but I cant even hold weights for weighted squats, lunges, stepups, ect..... What do I do? Go back to cardio alone. I can't even do Insanity. At one point I couldn't hold my arm out perpendicular to my body for high knees. Anything in a plank is out. Do I just try to rehab my shoulder waiting to lift till I'm better? Continue on with my cardio junkie ways? Help! Please :-)


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    First thing- get checked out by your doc. If the pain hasn't responded to advil and it keeps coming back- it's time to call in the doctors.

    You could have a deformity in the shoulder (30% of people do) and will need to adjust the exercises you do; could be you just pulled a muscle; could be you've developed a tear in a tendon- a five minute xray will show what's up.

    Sorry you're in pain- I've got shoulder issues myself so have modified my workouts around them. No presses, no crossing above my head- do more pulling than you do pushing. NROL is a great program but it's not the only one. Perhaps a different program would work better for you?
  • Thank you so much for your reply! If I can't get this under control soon I plan to go to the doctor. Right now I am trying for do no harm until I can get it checked. Are there any other weight programs that you recommend? I can check them out while I heal :-(
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    I had a very similar thing, turned out to be rotator cuff exacerbated by hypermobility. Physiotherapy is really important and so helpful. Shoulders are kinda important so don't mess around - see your doc ASAP. It sounds as if you will need some physiotherapy daily exercises to help strengthen whatever caused the injury. (For me, it was a lack of balance between my chest/shoulder muscles vs back muscles.)

    I recommend you hit the weight machines for now. You can really build your legs and just doing lower body will have the desired effect on your metabolism. If you're eating sufficient, you shouldn't lose much/any arm muscle tone. I chose to do a lot of high resistance cardio with my injury, such as running hill sprints, HIIT on elliptical (without arms) and some hilly bike rides. My quads and calfs got HUGE! :D I also took up long distance running and used it as an opportunity to improve my cardiovascular fitness.
  • I had a very similar thing, turned out to be rotator cuff exacerbated by hypermobility. Physiotherapy is really important and so helpful. Shoulders are kinda important so don't mess around - see your doc ASAP. It sounds as if you will need some physiotherapy daily exercises to help strengthen whatever caused the injury. (For me, it was a lack of balance between my chest/shoulder muscles vs back muscles.)

    I recommend you hit the weight machines for now. You can really build your legs and just doing lower body will have the desired effect on your metabolism. If you're eating sufficient, you shouldn't lose much/any arm muscle tone. I chose to do a lot of high resistance cardio with my injury, such as running hill sprints, HIIT on elliptical (without arms) and some hilly bike rides. My quads and calfs got HUGE! :D I also took up long distance running and used it as an opportunity to improve my cardiovascular fitness.

    Thanks for the reply! The weight machines are a great idea. Somehow I never considered this. Lol. I'm going to try to pick running up again. I will try to get to a doctor as soon as I'm able. What really stinks is that after a night of my three year old sneaking in bed with me I sleep in a different position and reaggravate it! Grr
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I agree cardio will help you out here and doing lower body workouts will give you the weightlifting edge too. As far as recommending a workout- I can't until you're diagnosed with what's wrong. There are so many lifting programs but in order to pick the right one for your shoulder- you gotta know what's wrong first.

    If it's simple muscle imbalances (I say simple lol they HURT) then you can do rehab exercises. If it's a bone formation issue- then you're looking a whole new bag. Just typical soreness- then you need to review your form STAT and figure out what happened to send you over the edge of working out and into the Land O' Pain.
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Girl, I'm right there with you. Doing NROLFW and seriously injured my right wrist and forearm from deadlifts. I've been icing it every night but no improvement. It doesn't help that I have to take care of two young kids and I'm constantly picking them up.

    Last week I did HITT and incline treadmill all week with some legs like squats and lunges with a bar on my shoulders (I had to get a nice young man to help me lift the weights onto the bar) and abs. I tried to pick up a 7.5lb weight and I couldn't so something is really wrong. I'm going to continue this until I can add arms back. I probably will never be able to do deadlifts again and will have to find something else.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone. Plan is to work my legs like crazy wether its running, spinning or lifting until either my shoulder heals or I get tithe doctor whichever does first. I will continue with my 1800 calories a day and try to hit my 130 grams of protein....