Do you have a BMF/similar? I need your help!



  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    According to my Fitbit, on an average day I burn about 1800 calories. The calculator gave me a TDEE of 1846, so I would say it is pretty close. Good luck!
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    The nice thing about a BMF is that you can get an average. I'd have to gauge this calculator based on every day (and it's a guess) and then average. I tried to do it and it came out WAY high for me. Said my BMR was 1800 (it's more like 1550), burn was 3,000+.

    And I didn't even say ANY vigorous activity.

    Scooby seems petty accurate, maybe a little under, but I have an extra snack every now and then.

    Have had my BMF for a week and it turns out I'm burning way more on weight lifting days - increased metabolism. But not a huge difference.
  • nutritionwhiz
    When I first joined this group I asked about the different calculators and was told that this one usually estimates high and that Scooby seemed to be more accurate :smile:
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    Problem with scoobie for me is that it doesn't account for my lifestyle outside of exercise. I am a classical violinist which means I am doing a fairly physical activity for a good few hours each day. I also do a lot of cycling and walking just to get around - I wouldn't call it strenuous exercise but it adds up very significantly over a week (I can easily clock 3 hours cycling and the same again of brisk walking during a normal week).
  • nutritionwhiz
    Problem with scoobie for me is that it doesn't account for my lifestyle outside of exercise.

    From everything I've seen you are suppose to base your activity level on exercise above your typical daily routine......So I think of it as intentional exercise, that's what I count. Not my daily walk to and from the bus stop etc.
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    Problem with scoobie for me is that it doesn't account for my lifestyle outside of exercise.

    From everything I've seen you are suppose to base your activity level on exercise above your typical daily routine......So I think of it as intentional exercise, that's what I count. Not my daily walk to and from the bus stop etc.
    When I do that it gives me 1800 cals, and I know that I lose weight on 2000. Sooooo back to square one on that one! It seems flawed to assume that everyone has a similar level of basic daily activity. On an average day I will cycle for 30 minutes, walk briskly for maybe an hour, practice violin for 3-5 hours (standing) - none of those things would be assumed by the scoobie calculator and yet combined, over the course of a week, that is a significant calorie burn.

    Any further replies on that website's accuracy would be great. I'm just so desperate not to over or under eat. Otherwise this whole reset is a bit of a waste of time :(
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I was in the exact same spot as you, I didn't believe all the calculators since they were so different. I bought the BMF and it turns out scooby is the closest, and the calculator you asked about was high.

    I have had my BMF for a month and have not lost pounds but have lost inches. I started the New Rules weight lifting program when I got the BMF. It only gives me vigorous activity credit when I am running or during spin class at 100 RPMs. I am training for a Tri and just get moderate activity for hilly 20 mile road rides...just saying I think I was overestimating my activity intensity.
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    Bump :) Keep it coming - I'd love as many people to try the site as possible.
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    Wow, I guess I may have saved myself a LOT of money. But how is it possible that someone as small as me can burn 2200 cals on a rest day?

    I just got my BMF a week ago. I have a desk job and I've had an unusually lazy week, so several days without dedicated exercise. I am 5'5, 33, 154 lbs and 28% BF...and my daily burn on rest days has consistently been around 2,000.'s possible, especially if you are up and about in your daily life a lot!
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    Wow, I guess I may have saved myself a LOT of money. But how is it possible that someone as small as me can burn 2200 cals on a rest day?

    I just got my BMF a week ago. I have a desk job and I've had an unusually lazy week, so several days without dedicated exercise. I am 5'5, 33, 154 lbs and 28% BF...and my daily burn on rest days has consistently been around 2,000.'s possible, especially if you are up and about in your daily life a lot!

    PS: That dial site makes me dizzy! But according to Scooby my TDEE should be between 2200 and 2500, which - if I added in some exercise like I normally would - that's where I would be. From what I've read on this site Scooby seems to be the most consistently accurate calculator around.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Problem with scoobie for me is that it doesn't account for my lifestyle outside of exercise. I am a classical violinist which means I am doing a fairly physical activity for a good few hours each day. I also do a lot of cycling and walking just to get around - I wouldn't call it strenuous exercise but it adds up very significantly over a week (I can easily clock 3 hours cycling and the same again of brisk walking during a normal week).

    I'm in the same position as you! I have an active job that varies from day to day, so Scooby's calculator seems unreliable and too confusing for me. The dial calculator has piqued my interest though, even though it seems a little high - I've been skeptical to trust it. Today I was looking into buying a FitBit but from all of the responses I would consider it worth saving $100 to use the website instead of a fancy gadget.

    Hopefully some more people can weigh in though. I am really interested in reading replies!