Week 1 Day 2 *Fail!*

:-( I did NOT do my c25k run yesterday like I had planned but I have a good excuse lol my best friend needed a baby sitter last minute for her 1year old plus I had my 4year old and my husband had to go to work so since I dont own a double stroller I had to by pass yesterday. To be honest my thighs and glutes are in a lot of pain from my hike on Wed. still ugh I keep stretching em but they dont want to loosen up. I figure I'll just do my run tonight and not get myself down about missing one day. I did walk three times yesterday and burned over 400 cals so that satisfied me . Had a minor break and peeked at the scale this morning. Not happy!! I was 176 last week and now it says 179 :-( Dont know how except maybe to much salt not enough water and maybe i had more carbs this week than last I dunno my body is crazy!!! Oh well trying to not let it get me down gotta get back up and chug chug chug along


  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    That is the great thing about this program, it requires rest days. You know your body to know if it's ready to go or not. You'll get it today!! Great job on all the walking and don't freak out over the number on the scale, too many things can make it change by a few pounds. Put it away for a while and just go by how you are feeling, your clothes fit, etc. Good luck on your run today. I did week 4, day 1 this morning. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
  • JenniferDent_CHC
    JenniferDent_CHC Posts: 35 Member
    You are killing it with the calorie burn every day! It's so motivating! I know you probably heard this 1000 times, but I'm sure you're building muscle in your legs and booty and we all know muscle weighs more than fat!

    I think it's good you have a contingency plan since you missed your run today. You're doing great...keep it up!
  • leanne5025
    leanne5025 Posts: 26 Member
    *Fail* is a BAD word and not true! It's ok to take a break, especially if you are super sore and need a rest. I did that last night too, which is rare for me, but my body was screaming for a break (tired, sore, cranky) so I stayed inside and colored my hair instead! :) Made me feel a whole lot better today. Hope you are feeling better this morning too!!
  • evansproudmama
    *Fail* is a BAD word and not true! It's ok to take a break, especially if you are super sore and need a rest. I did that last night too, which is rare for me, but my body was screaming for a break (tired, sore, cranky) so I stayed inside and colored my hair instead! :) Made me feel a whole lot better today. Hope you are feeling better this morning too!!

    Yes!! I def. needed the break I was super grumpy yesterday lol I guess i shouldnt be so hard on myself, I just really wanna follow through and succede I have a bad habit of not following through and its something I really want to break! Guess I will do that today :-) thanks everyone!!! I love this group you guys are awesome!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You definitely have to let yourself have a break now and then when you need it, even if it's not a scheduled break day. Just don't let it become a habit. :)

    Have a great run tonight! Take your time. Enjoy yourself!
  • TinaA72
    TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member
    You did not Fail but had a rest day...well not really with two children to watch...but you know what? There's always tomorrow...Keep up the good work!!
  • drotarthebarbarian
    drotarthebarbarian Posts: 39 Member
    I am going to restart with week1 day 1 as well. The kids got me with their stomach virus. Pretty sure i'm dehydrated. Today is supposed to be day three, but I'm gonna take it easy. No Tapout today, or C25K, just taking the kids for a walk in Burnet Woods. Tuesday is my next run day.