Dr. Ordered Low-Carb

IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
I've been on MFP just over 2 yrs. My weight doesn't seem to budge much. The same 10lbs go up and down, up , up, down, up, up. It's been a roller coaster. I have degenerative disk disease in my back and osteoarthritis in my hips which causes me a lot of discomfort and pain. In the last 2 years I have seen my weight go up by at least 30 lbs. Not good.

I did Nutrisystem, no luck. I did Weight Watchers (made lifetime years ago) and it didn't work either. So my Dr. sent me to a dietitian who put my on a low-carb eating plan. I think its great because I get to eat the foods I love and don't have to worry about the mediocre ones just because they are low in points. But I am finding it a huge change to go from calories/points to counting these carb exchange things. I think it is sort of like a diabetic diet.

My husband has high blood pressure and high triglycerides. She put him on the same diet, only he gets a few more carb exchanges.

I was on the Atkins forums for a few months. My mother in law(s) (step and bio) are both nurses. One does WW and one is diabetic that does Atkins style (no Induction phase) and they both told me it sounded like Atkins would work because of the medical conditions I also have.

I read the old and new Atkins. Started to follow some of the rules, cleaner eating, walking, getting rid of sugars and stuff. Lean meats, greens. When I went to the Atkins forum a few days ago and mentioned my dietitian had given me sort of a hybrid of the Atkins plan I had been reading about , I ended up being attacked that my dietitian was wrong and that Atkins was the only way. Sure doesn't make me feel like I should continue to post.

So, I came across this group here on MFP with the hopes of finding some low-carb folks I can chat with on my new journey.

This is day 3 of our dr. orders. :)


  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Sometimes people that adhere to a specific diet plan can be a bit overzealous, and the Atkins crowd is no exception. I believe that Atkins was revolutionary and eventually will be vindicated as a person that was right all along, and I think that his original approach is the best version (not the new one, written by other doctors).

    That being said, as long as your dietician is recommending low carb, and you adhere to the principals of the diet, I don't think that there is a wrong way to do it. There are many braches of low carb, Atkins, Primal, Paleo, Ketogenic, etc. They all have a lot in common.

    I would encourage you to read the Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution (2002 edition) cover to cover and use the wisdom in there, combined with information available on the internet for the greatest success. There may even be something from the Paleo camp that resonates with you (the reason why I just put a deposit down on a 1/2 of a grass fed cow!) and you can adopt as well.

    Long story short, stick with the plan, don't deviate and I think you'll find that that many of your problems either get much better or go away.

    P.S. Try to stay away from too many processed low carb "products" like tortillas, candy bars etc, especially anything with wheat and soy and your journey will be much more successful.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member

    P.S. Try to stay away from too many processed low carb "products" like tortillas, candy bars etc, especially anything with wheat and soy and your journey will be much more successful.

    yes, she specifically said stay away from meals in a can and boxed meals. She said a can of Progresso soup would be Ok maybe once a week, but to drink extra water. The box meals would be Ok too, once in a while, but add some vegi and drink more water. She says we need to eat cleaner, no processed, more natural cooking. I am Ok with that. It's just a new way of thinking. While calories do matter, they aren't the most important. If I follow the right carbs, I will get the calories I need. I grill and bake everything anyway and I did WW lifestyle for so long that cooking methods won't be an issue.

    I have the New Atkins New You book and I did not like how it promoted a lot of bars and shakes. I can appreciate the need for them, being extremely busy in life myself, I just know I can't feed my family like that. So, the older methods are better for me. It's good since we like to cook and eat together as a family.

    I found the 2002 Edition in a box of books my mom had stored in my barn for the garage sale. I started reading it and putting sticky notes in there. LOL

    I like the new coconut almond milk. I think its 45 cals? The 35 cal almond stuff is good too. We dont drink a lot of milk, just a splash in the coffee.

    I'm actually pretty exited that this could be the answer to so much in regards to medical issues and the way that I feel, not to mention why the scale doesn't budge.

    Thanks for the welcome. :)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    My wife's aches and pains have pretty much gone from crippling (literally, she couldn't walk or stand up without assistance because of her back, at 32 years old!) to just annoying. Low carb has done a lot of things to help her, and is also recommended by her naturopath that she sees for a thyroid problem.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I did 5 months of working out 5-6 days a week, SAD diet, and lost 3 pounds! (not one time did i cheat!)

    My doctor then suggested LC and I just started dropping weight w/no exercise or effort at all. If i had to claim a diet it would be Atkins (induction phase) but I have noticed also that on MFP that many people are against LC and want to argue that its dangerous etc. The facts are that some people (myself) have health issues that cause carbs to be stored as fat and a typical SAD diet just makes them fatter! Some want to agrue Calories in/calories out etc but I own a body bug and I kept track of what I burned/Ate and it wasnt adding up to weight loss thats why my doctor suggested LC.

    Doing LC takes some getting use to but with time it gets easier ;) and you get the hang of what you can/cant eat! I wish you two the best of luck!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    I've been on MFP just over 2 yrs. My weight doesn't seem to budge much. The same 10lbs go up and down, up , up, down, up, up. It's been a roller coaster. I have degenerative disk disease in my back and osteoarthritis in my hips which causes me a lot of discomfort and pain. In the last 2 years I have seen my weight go up by at least 30 lbs. Not good.

    I did Nutrisystem, no luck. I did Weight Watchers (made lifetime years ago) and it didn't work either. So my Dr. sent me to a dietitian who put my on a low-carb eating plan. I think its great because I get to eat the foods I love and don't have to worry about the mediocre ones just because they are low in points. But I am finding it a huge change to go from calories/points to counting these carb exchange things. I think it is sort of like a diabetic diet.

    My husband has high blood pressure and high triglycerides. She put him on the same diet, only he gets a few more carb exchanges.

    I was on the Atkins forums for a few months. My mother in law(s) (step and bio) are both nurses. One does WW and one is diabetic that does Atkins style (no Induction phase) and they both told me it sounded like Atkins would work because of the medical conditions I also have.

    I read the old and new Atkins. Started to follow some of the rules, cleaner eating, walking, getting rid of sugars and stuff. Lean meats, greens. When I went to the Atkins forum a few days ago and mentioned my dietitian had given me sort of a hybrid of the Atkins plan I had been reading about , I ended up being attacked that my dietitian was wrong and that Atkins was the only way. Sure doesn't make me feel like I should continue to post.

    So, I came across this group here on MFP with the hopes of finding some low-carb folks I can chat with on my new journey.

    This is day 3 of our dr. orders. :)

    you will get attacked here on some stuff. there are some VERY rude people around the main part of the forums (if you don't agree with them, you're wrong!) so the same people on the atkins forums are here ;)

    but just ignore them. they're idiots.

  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Welcome! I personally feel that low carb eating is definitely the best way for ME to lose weight; different things work for different people, and some people just don't seem to grasp that concept.
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Low carb is the only way i lose weight! welcome and please feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • can3mwh
    can3mwh Posts: 17 Member
    Just discovered great cookbooks by George Stella who is a chef that lives the low carb life style. His recipes use all natural ingredients and look real simple. I am looking forward to making many of his recipes. Also, he seems to be able to make it real clear what is acceptable and what is not for a low carb life style, making sure that the meals are well balanced. Hope this helps.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Welcome, go your own way, monitor progress, listen to your body and adjust according.

    We are all different, our metabolisms have been screwed around to differing degrees depending on diet and age ... Some people tolerate 100g carb a day, some only 50g ... Some tolerate dairy, some don't ... Some can eat grains, some people are better off not, even 'healthy whole grains'.

    Some people seem lean but eat lots of rubbish ("Hey I eat white bread and sugar every day, look at me!" ... You know the types), some of these people are actually accumulating fat around their organs which is very dangerous.

    I started by kicking out all the stuff that was potentially bad for me ... Dairy, grains (bread, pasta, rice, etc), legumes, processed food, sugar all in one hit.

    Aside from cheese, which I love, I am still in that phase actually despite being in pretty good shape and I can't say I miss the other stuff. There will come a time when I gradually start to add these groups back in one at a time in small quanities, this way I will know what works for me.

    One size certainly does not fit all from a nutritional point of view but eliminating potentially harmful foods has to be a good step for all, surely?

    I think that all low-carb/Atkins/Paleo flavours are just variations on this. Find your carb tolerance, sort out the metabolism and work everything else around that with whole, real food.