Is it possible for me to lose my belly in a month?

Hello) Im 17, 114 lbs, 5'4". Sounds good, but my bones are very tiny, so i actually have extra weight. I dont care about that though, its my belly fat that bother me. Theres not a lot of it, but i hate the way it looks.
Is it possible for me to lose it in a month? For the record, ive been eating fastfood a lot for a few months, but my weight didnt change and i look the same. Hope that helps haha
I was planinng on not restricting myself of food, eat big breakfast, normal lunch and little dinner and eat very light after 6 pm. No fast and junk food, little sweets. Roller skate a few hrs two-three days a week and about an hour other days. And start the 100 push-ups program. But now it seems like it wont be good enough. What calorie and carbs goal should i set onn MFP and what exercises to do? I will not run though, i hate running so much, ill quit before even starting, but everything else is fine. Please tell me what to do, im stupid haha


  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    First of all, don't say that you're stupid. That is annoying and not a proper way to ask for advice. Don't do it again, I'm serious.

    Second, there is no such thing as "spot training" so you can't just lose your belly. Genetics determine where your body holds stores the most fat, and where you lose that fat from first. Some women lose in the hips and thighs first, for some maybe their stomach, others the arms, etc. For me I lose in my arms and boobs first, then my hips and thighs and stomach last. To get the results you're looking for you need to reduce your overall body fat and increase the muscle underneath. Now how to do that...

    Your diet is going to have to change. Stop eating fast food- NOW. You will NEVER, EVER get a flat stomach eating all of those carbs and sodium. The extra sodium in processed foods makes you retain water, which makes you look bloated. I'm not sure what you mean by "not restricting yourself" but that's kind of the whole point of calorie counting. To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. It sounds like you don't really need to lose weight though, I think what you're really interested in is body recomposition. You said that you haven't been putting on weight with what you're eating right now, so you're already eating at maintenance. Maintenance is the amount of calories you can eat everyday without gaining weight. Add up what you typically eat and that should be the amount of calories. From there, I would limit your carbs to less than 30% of your total calories consumed for the day. The kind of carbs you eat is also very important. Celery is carbs, but that won't hurt you. Bread and pasta on the other hand will hurt you, especially breads made with white flour. Start reading ingredients and quit eating anything that has "enriched white flour." You should also quit eating anything that is "no fat" "reduced fat" or "low fat" because that usually means it is just full of artificial sugars or sweeteners, which keep your belly looking belly-like.

    Another myth, it doesn't really matter how much you eat at what time of the day, just do what works for you to stay in your goals. I prefer a big dinner so I skip breakfast, but if it helps you avoid mindless snacking, then you should eat breakfast. Don't worry about not eating after 6 pm. You need to think about calories in/calories out on a 24-hour cycle. Late night eating doesn't make you fat. Overeating makes you fat. Most of the time people who eat at night overeat - it's correlation, not causation.

    For exercise, roller skating is great and burns a ton of calories. Doing the push-up program is a nice addition, but you really need to build strength. The best way to build strength is by lifting weights, there are other ways, but nothing will work as fast and as well as gold ol' fashioned pumping iron.

    And since you are already so small, I'm going to say no, it's probably not possible to do it in a month. The leaner you are the harder it is to lose weight. You are young though so with a lot of hard work and some diet adjustments you can get pretty close.

    By the way I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't like hearing people say they are stupid. Hold yourself in high esteem and others will too! :)
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    ^ My sentiments exaci-dact-ly.
  • andreabrightside
    I read the original post and I was going to respond.... then I read your reply and realized there was no point in me responding. Yet I'm still responding, but I don't think it's helping. ... what I mean to say is, HEAR HEAR.

    Edit: or is it HERE HERE? I never know...
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    For me I lose in my arms and boobs first, then my hips and thighs and stomach last.

    ME TOO! So frusterating lol.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I agree with all the above, I am just going to add: Planks and Pilates! Like every day! Try and build up to being stronger and stronger. You are a good weight, I think it is just a muscle/fat ratio thing.

    Come back and let us know!
  • balancedhealth
    I'm in a similar situation (not really overweight but want to get rid of the belly) and just started Insanity today. Will try to remember to post back here with some results after 30 days on if it was doable. Also a firm believer in adding muscle and burning overall fat to accomplish this. Hoping there's enough focus on strength in Insanity since it's primarily cardio or I will have to add in a free weight routine.